E-Da`wah Committee Directory

Your Way to Understanding Islam

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What Are the Basic Principles of Islam?

What Are the Basic Principles of Islam?


What is Islam? What do Muslim believe in? Who is Muhammad? Who is Allah? Do Muslims believe in life after death? Read this article to know the answer to these questions and much more.

Marriage between Islam and the Western Culture (Part 1/2)

Marriage between Islam and the Western Culture (Part 1/2)


The article tackles the concept of marriage according to Islam and makes a sort of comparison between both the Islamic and the western viewpoints.

Secrets of the Muslim Woman (Part 2/2)

Secrets of the Muslim Woman (Part 2/2)


Are men and women equal in Islam? What is the Islamic concept of women’s freedom? What are the rights of women in Islam?

7 Remarkable Things about Khadijah, Wife of Prophet Muhammad

7 Remarkable Things about Khadijah, Wife of Prophet Muhammad


The article clarifies that Khadijah was one of history’s most remarkable women, through her behavior, piousness, modesty and perfect manners.

Can Exposure to Celebrities Reduce Prejudice? The Effect of Mohamed Salah on Islamophobic Behaviors and Attitudes

Can Exposure to Celebrities Reduce Prejudice? The Effect of Mohamed Salah on Islamophobic Behaviors and Attitudes


We causally estimate the effect of Mohammed Salah joining Liverpool F.C. on Islamophobic attitudes and behaviors using 936 county-month hate crime observations

The Woman as a Mother: Status and Role

The Woman as a Mother: Status and Role


Part of women’s status in Islam is the honor given to the mother…but what’s the nature of that honor, and where is it perceived?

How Can I Continue after Ramadan?

How Can I Continue after Ramadan?


In the following video, Sheikh AbdurRaheem McCarthy discusses the means of keeping up the good deeds after the blessed month of Ramadan.

Farewell Ramadan!! Welcome Eid Al-Fitr

Farewell Ramadan!! Welcome Eid Al-Fitr


The believer should be cognizant of the fact that the month of Ramadan is nearing are end and its departure is imminent.

Eid Al-Fitr: Etiquette and Prayer

Eid Al-Fitr: Etiquette and Prayer


The article gives an introduction to `Eid Al-Fitr and shows us the recommendable actions as well as the significance and way of the `Eid prayer.

Some Basic Characteristics of Islamic Ideology (Part 1)

Some Basic Characteristics of Islamic Ideology (Part 1)


The question is what are those characteristics of Islam which have won millions of followers to the faith in the past and which make it so appealing to the modern age?

What Do Muslims Usually Do on Laylat Al-Qadr?

What Do Muslims Usually Do on Laylat Al-Qadr?


What is the status of Laylat Al-Qadr in Islam? When does it occur? What are the acts of worship offered in it? What is the supplication of Laylat Al-Qadr?

They Are Non-Muslims…but They Fast Ramadan

They Are Non-Muslims…but They Fast Ramadan


In this article, we quote some of the stories of non-Muslims who decided to share with Muslims the worship of fasting and enjoy its meanings of mutual tolerance and peace.

What Is Fasting?

What Is Fasting?


The article explains the meaning of fasting, both linguistically and termly, and talks about the general guidelines for fasting in light of the Sunnah.

Tarawih: Special Merit over Other Night Prayers

Tarawih: Special Merit over Other Night Prayers


No one should neglect Tarawih without a good reason, for it is part of physical and spiritual training. Besides, there are spiritual rewards awaiting the observers of this prayer. No one would like to leave the masjid before the prayer is over.

How Muslims Attain Taqwa (Consciousness of God) Through Fasting

How Muslims Attain Taqwa (Consciousness of God) Through Fasting


Why Do Muslims Fast? What Do Muslim Gain from Fasting? Why Taqwa? What Are the Virtues of Taqwa? What Is Tqwah? How Muslims Attain Taqwa in Fasting?

What Is the Philosophy of Fasting in Islam?

What Is the Philosophy of Fasting in Islam?


The article sheds light on the philosophy of fasting and its benefit being a 30 day course for rectifying Muslims’ attitude.

Fasting and Overall Health

Fasting and Overall Health


In some cases, fasting could do more harm than good to some ill people, but could be beneficial to others, and even improve health. Who is exempted from fasting, who can decide this? How should fasting contribute to our overall health?

Ramadan: Objectives and Lessons to Learn (Part 2)

Ramadan: Objectives and Lessons to Learn (Part 2)


What is the objective of fasting? How does God describe the Pillar of fasting, and what should we learn from that? What are the lessons to be learned from the holy month of Ramadan?

Ramadan: Objectives and Lessons (Part 1)

Ramadan: Objectives and Lessons (Part 1)


What is the objective of fasting? How does God describe the pillar of fasting, and what should we learn from that?

What Is Required of You in Ramadan?

What Is Required of You in Ramadan?


Increase in the remembrance of Allah and recite the Qur’an, listen to it and reflect upon its meaning and act according to it. Go to the masjid to listen to beneficial talks.