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Your Way to Understanding Islam

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Hereafter in the Glorious Qur’an

Hereafter in the Glorious Qur’an


Islam states that a human being comes into this world only once, and after he dies, he is again resurrected on the day of judgement. Depending on his deeds he will either dwell in heaven or he will dwell in hell.

Angels in Islam

Angels in Islam


Angels belong to a level of existence beyond the perceptible world of phenomena, called `Alam Al-Ghayb (the unseen world).

The Miracle of Somnath Through Ages

The Miracle of Somnath Through Ages


This interesting story was written by Sheikh Saadi eight centuries ago in Persian poems.

The Concept of Miracle in Islam (2/2)

The Concept of Miracle in Islam (2/2)


Sometimes, some supernatural actions are shown by some Hindu monks and priests who practice very hard spiritual exercises, such people are fooled by the devil who misleads them and their followers.

Was Prophet Muhammad Prophesized in Hindu Scriptures?

Was Prophet Muhammad Prophesized in Hindu Scriptures?


The age of horses, swords, and spears is long ago has gone and now is the age of modern weapons like tanks, missiles, and guns. Therefore, it will be unwise to wait for ‘Kalki Avtar’ bearing sword and arrows or spears.

An Indian Muslim Girl Performing Prayer on the Branch of a Tree

An Indian Muslim Girl Performing Prayer on the Branch of a Tree


Any miracle that happens it happens only by the power of Allah the Almighty and His permission. Nothing can happen without the command of the Creator.

Rama and Ramayana: Fact or Fiction?

Rama and Ramayana: Fact or Fiction?


The conclusion is that there never was any person with the name Rama and he was never born on the earth anywhere.

An Introduction to Hinduism

An Introduction to Hinduism


The difference between Hinduism and Islam is the apostrophe (s) as Hindus say that everything is God but Muslims believe that everything is God’s.

A Blatant Insult to Hindus by a Hindu Pundit

A Blatant Insult to Hindus by a Hindu Pundit


Those who are called Hindus are such lazy, Hindu are such careless, that Hindus never accepted the truth.

Hindu Scriptures and the Last Messenger

Hindu Scriptures and the Last Messenger


Vedas are the final authority for Hindus and the study of Vedas shows a word used frequently that is narāśaṃsa.

The King Mahmud of Ghazni (971-1030 A.D.) and Somnath

The King Mahmud of Ghazni (971-1030 A.D.) and Somnath


Muslims have never been encouraged to exercise any pressure on non-Muslims, whether Hindus or non-Hindus, religiously or socially to accept Islam.

Is Agni Missile of Hindus an Illusion?

Is Agni Missile of Hindus an Illusion?


Tirshul (The Indian religious symbol of trident used by Hindus) and Tilak or the three lines on the forehead represent the exalted name of Allah the Almighty in Arabic.

Significance of Belief

Significance of Belief


The faith has very significant impact on human actions; every action of any human being has a strong link to the belief that he believes in.

Conversion of an Ex-Brahmin to Islam

Conversion of an Ex-Brahmin to Islam


Shirk (Polytheism) is the only sin which will never be forgiven. Who has seen Allah Almighty to paint or make images of God?

The Pillars of Islamic Faith

The Pillars of Islamic Faith


Who is God? Is God One or more? Why should we belive in God? Is idol worship logical? Why do some people worship the creation instead of the Creator?

A Grave Danger to the National Unity of India

A Grave Danger to the National Unity of India


“We plan to distribute sword to every Hindu during the campaign so that they can protect them from Muslims.”

Forced Conversion to Hinduism in India: (Analysis and Comparison) (1/2)

Forced Conversion to Hinduism in India: (Analysis and Comparison) (1/2)


History of Hindu philosophy is totally void of the concept of Da`wah and Hindu religious sources do not include any notion or idea on Da`wah.

Predestination and Sufferings of Mankind

Predestination and Sufferings of Mankind


Suffering can also be a test and trial for some people. Almighty Allah allows some people to suffer in order to test their patience and steadfastness. Even Allah’s Prophets and Messengers were made to suffer for this reason.

Conversion to Hinduism by Force (Shuddhi) (2/2)

Conversion to Hinduism by Force (Shuddhi) (2/2)


When the truth is revealed to you and you stand face to face with it, how long can you refuse to accept it?How long would you run away, denying it?

The Importance of Performing Prayer

The Importance of Performing Prayer


What are the pillars of Islam? Are there any excuses to leave prayer? What are the great benefits of prayer? How could you achieve success in this life and in the hereafter?