E-Da`wah Committee Directory

Your Way to Understanding Islam

عربي English
God (Allah) is Most Gracious, Most Merciful

God (Allah) is Most Gracious, Most Merciful


The names and attributes of God include “Most Gracious” and “Most Merciful”. If God cannot show mercy to His servants, how can He expect them to show mercy?

God (Allah) is the Light

God (Allah) is the Light


One of the names and attributes of God is the “Light”. The Bible quotes Jesus as saying that he was not a permanent but temporary light, so he cannot be God

God (Allah) is the Judge

God (Allah) is the Judge


One of the names and attributes of God is “the Judge”. Since God is the true Judge, and Jesus’ judgment is derived from God’s, Jesus cannot be God

God (Allah) is the Trier & the Tester

God (Allah) is the Trier & the Tester


The names and attributes of God include “Trier” and “Tester”. Since Jesus was tried, tested and tempted according to the Bible, Jesus can never be God

God (Allah) is the Guide

God (Allah) is the Guide


One of the names and attributes of God is “the Guide”. The Bible quotes Jesus as ascribing guidance to God (“Father” in Christianity) rather than himself

God (Allah) is Omniscient & All-knowing

God (Allah) is Omniscient & All-knowing


The names and attributes of God include “the Omniscient” and “the All-knowing”. The New Testament implies that Jesus was neither omniscient nor all-knowing

God (Allah) is the Most Just

God (Allah) is the Most Just


If Jesus was really a righteous, innocent, peaceful man, is it just to let him get crucified and killed as atonement for the sins of evil, wicked people?

God (Allah) is the Savior & Deliverer

God (Allah) is the Savior & Deliverer


The names and attributes of God include “the Savior” and “the Deliverer”. How can Jesus be God though he himself prayed to God for deliverance?

Who is God in Christianity & Islam?

Who is God in Christianity & Islam?


Who is God in Christianity & Islam? Is He One God or three (the Trinity)? Is Jesus God or son of God? If Jesus is neither God nor son of God, who is he?

God (Allah) is the Helper

God (Allah) is the Helper


The names and attributes of God include “the Helper” and “the One Whose Help is Sought”. How can we believe in an alleged god who sought help from God?

God (Allah) is the First and the Last

God (Allah) is the First and the Last


The names and attributes of God include “the First” and “the Last”. Jesus is a creature of God according to Islam and Christianity, and so he cannot be God

God (Allah) is Life-giver & Death-causer

God (Allah) is Life-giver & Death-causer


The names and attributes of God include the “Life-giver” and “Death-causer”. It is God Who gave life to Jesus, will cause him to die and will resurrect him

God (Allah) is the Ever-living

God (Allah) is the Ever-living


The names and attributes of God include “the Ever-living” and “the Everlasting”. How can Jesus be God though he died even for three days and three nights?

God (Allah) is the Sustainer

God (Allah) is the Sustainer


One of the names and attributes of God is “Sustainer”. Who sustained the universe before the birth of Jesus, when he was a newborn, asleep, after his death?

God (Allah) is the Self-sufficient

God (Allah) is the Self-sufficient


The names and attributes of God include “Self-sufficient”; how can Jesus be God though he needed others for birth, satisfying hunger and thirst and saving from death?

God (Allah) is the Most Great

God (Allah) is the Most Great


One of the names and attributes of God is the Most Great. Since Jesus is the servant and messenger of God and God is greater than him, Jesus cannot be God

God (Allah) is the Most High

God (Allah) is the Most High


The names and attributes of God include “the High” and “the Most High”. Is Jesus the “Most High”, “Son of the Most High” or “Prophet of the Most High”?

God (Allah) is the Transcendent

God (Allah) is the Transcendent


The names and attributes of God include Transcendent, Superior and Exalted. How can Jesus be God though the Bible confirms that he was a humble servant of God?

God (Allah) is the Sovereign

God (Allah) is the Sovereign


One of the names and attributes of God is the Sovereign. The Bible relates to us experiences of Jesus which do not beseem a sovereign god for this universe

God (Allah) is the Most Glorious

God (Allah) is the Most Glorious


One of the names and attributes of God is Most Glorious. Jesus cannot be God for he was a servant who had no innate glory, but he derived glory from God.