E-Da`wah Committee Directory

Your Way to Understanding Islam

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How to Overcome the Whispers of Satan in Prayer

How to Overcome the Whispers of Satan in Prayer


What shall you do if you doubt the number of rak`as while offering prayer? How could you overcome the whispers of Satan in prayer?

What Are the Things That Don’t Invalidate Ablution?

What Are the Things That Don’t Invalidate Ablution?


What is the ruling of leaving a portion of a pillar while performing ablution?

How Can One Make up for Years of Missed Prayers?

How Can One Make up for Years of Missed Prayers?


How could you repent from many years of missing prayers?

What Is the Ruling of Discharge After Performing Ghusl?

What Is the Ruling of Discharge After Performing Ghusl?


What shall I do if I find sperm comes out after performing ghusl of janabah?

Is It Allowed to Make Duaa in My Own Language During Prayer?

Is It Allowed to Make Duaa in My Own Language During Prayer?


Is it permissible to make supplication in your own language during prayer? What are the most comprehensive supplications in the Quran?

What Should You Do If Your Awrah Is Exposed in Prayer?

What Should You Do If Your Awrah Is Exposed in Prayer?


What should you do if your awrah is exposed during prayer?

What Is the Ruling of Shaking Hands After Prayer?

What Is the Ruling of Shaking Hands After Prayer?


Is shaking hands after offering prayer an innovation? What is the ruling of shaking hands in Islam?

What Is the Ruling of Qunut in Fajr Prayer?

What Is the Ruling of Qunut in Fajr Prayer?


What is the ruling of making supplication and dhikr after prayer?

Joining the Imam in the Last Rakah: What To Do?

Joining the Imam in the Last Rakah: What To Do?


What should I do if I join the imam in the fourth rakah of prayer?

How Can Women Do Itikaf?

How Can Women Do Itikaf?


How can women get the reward of Itikaf?

Is It Sunnah to Finish the Quran in Taraweeh?

Is It Sunnah to Finish the Quran in Taraweeh?


Did the Prophet (peace be upon him) recite the entire Quran in Taraweeh?

Awrah of Men and Women in Prayer

Awrah of Men and Women in Prayer


What parts that should be covered during prayer? What kinds of garments that could be worn for women in prayer?

I`tikaf during the Last Third of Ramadan

I`tikaf during the Last Third of Ramadan


What is meant by i`tikaf? What are the etiquettes of i`tikaf? What is the significance of i`tikaf?

How the Prophet Observed I`tikaf

How the Prophet Observed I`tikaf


What is the guidance of the Prophet (peace be upon him) in i`tikaf? How could one seek Laylat Al-Qadr?

Missing Isha During Ramadan at Masjid: What to Do?

Missing Isha During Ramadan at Masjid: What to Do?


Is it permissible to join the taraweeh with intention of praying Isha? Is it permissible to make two congregational prayers at the same time?

Work Schedule and Tarawih Prayer

Work Schedule and Tarawih Prayer


I converted to Islam recently and my work schedule does now allow me to pray Tarawhi prayer. What should I do? I also read the Qur’an in Arabic, but I do not understand it. Can I continue reading the Qur’an? Watch this episode to know the answer to these questions.

Leaving the Witr During Taraweeh to Pray Later at Home: Excused?

Leaving the Witr During Taraweeh to Pray Later at Home: Excused?


What is the reward of offering the Witr with the imam during the taraweeh prayer?

What Are the Conditions of the Imam?

What Are the Conditions of the Imam?


Is it permissible for a boy to lead the congregational prayer? Why? What are the conditions of leading the prayer in Islam?

How Long Is the Period of Wiping Over Socks?

How Long Is the Period of Wiping Over Socks?


What are the conditions of wiping over socks? How could you calculate the period of wiping over socks?

Holding Two Congregational Prayers at the Same Time: Allowed?

Holding Two Congregational Prayers at the Same Time: Allowed?


What is the ruling for holding two congregational prayers at the same mosque?