To measure your distance from God, check over your du`aa’. But before that, what do you know ...
Is it permissible to make supplication in sujud while offering prayer? Watch this short talk ...
The prayer to God for the deceased Muslim is a common collective duty, what does this mean? ...
When a calamity befalls a certain supplication is needed in order to attain salvation It is ...
The greatest weapon a believer has is supplication. Never ask human your needs, rather ask t ...
When your paths have taken you through darkness and the earth have compressed, when a true f ...
Allah answered the du`aa’ of the worst of His creation, so one shouldn’t lose hope of getti ...
When should one raise hands in duaa (supplication? When should not one raise hands in suppli ...
Honorable brothers and sisters… “Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts ar ...
What is the meant by the opening supplication (duaa) in prayer? When should one recite it? W ...
This life is a test; and there’re stages, degrees (in positions), and obstacles. Allah (Exal ...
What are the virtues of making supplication (du`aa’) after tashahhud in prayer? Is it ...
What is the ruling of making supplication (duaa) while offering prayer? What are the virtues ...
Every speech comes out with a cover from the heart of the speaker. If God allows a speaker t ...
Based on this principle of priority, you have to perform the require obligations before the ...
If you want the doors of hope opened, recall what He offers you, and if the doors of awe ope ...
To know more about the rulings of making duaa before and after tasleem in prayer, you could ...
A person, who learns of people’s secrets and does not have Godly mercy on them, brings upon ...
لإhere is no greater way to connect your heart with your Lord, to moisten your tongue with H ...
What are the comprehensive supplications that one could make during prayer?