Should we, Muslims, feel a true sense of belonging to the Islamic Ummah, or to the country w ...
From a Christian to not just a Muslim, but also a prominent imam and teacher in Huston, Texa ...
Choosing Islam as your way of life is no way easy or effortless. It is a journey of challeng ...
How did Philip and Rasheed find Islam? How did they find their feet in the religion? How do ...
How did Diam’s find God? How does she feel being Muslim wearing hijab? And how does sh ...
What does make some 500 Irish citizens convert to Islam every year? What were they looking f ...
My life has been very different after converting to Islam. It has been one of the most beaut ...
My life has been very different after converting to Islam. It has been one of the most beaut ...
Truth be told, all humans are born in a natural state of Islam, called the fitrah. It is the ...
Fletcher is one of the thousands of Latino Americans who convert to Islam. After studying Ch ...
Brother Paul, an American new Muslim tells his conversion story to Islam; how he learned abo ...
Here’s my new Muslim sister! You don’t know she’s found the solace of her ...
It doesn’t take long to testify that there’s no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger, ...
It doesn’t take long to testify that there’s no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger, ...
It doesn’t take long to testify that there’s no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger, ...
A brand new life has been unfolding to rugby league star. What kind of life had he been livi ...
A brand new life has been unfolding to rugby league star. What kind of life had he been livi ...
I was more interested in “spirituality” and looking for anything that didn’t have to do with ...
How did the Romans and Arabs before Islam treat woman? How was woman looked upon and conside ...
Can just the uttering of verbal pledge transform one from kufr to iman, or guarantee a chang ...