What Is the Maximum And Minimum Period Of Postnatal Bleeding?

What is meant by nifas? What is the maximum period of postnatal bleeding? What is the minimu ...

What If My Period Began Right After Intercourse?

If a woman discovers her menstrual period has begun immediately following intercourse, is gh ...

Is Ghusl Needed if My Period Began Right After Intercourse?

If a woman discovers her menstrual period has begun immediately following intercourse, is gh ...

How Should A Woman Offer Prayer After Menses?

Does a Muslim woman have to make up the missed prayers during her menses? What should she ma ...

What Is the Ruling of Discharge After Performing Ghusl?

What shall I do if I find sperm comes out after performing ghusl of janabah?


How Long Is the Period of Wiping Over Socks?

What are the conditions of wiping over socks? How could you calculate the period of wiping o ...

Discover How Islam Cares About Cleanliness

There are many texts from the Qur’an and the Sunnah that place emphasis on cleanliness ...

Is There any Supplication to Make After Performing Wudu’?

Is there any authentic supplication to say after ablution?


Do I Have to Wash my Long Thick Hair During Ghusl?

Is it necessary to make water reach the roots of one’s hair during ghusl?


Can a Shower Count for Wudu’?

Does taking a shower count for wudu’ (ablution)? What is the importance of intention i ...

Wiping Over Fabric Socks: Excused?

How could one wipe over the socks? Is it better to wipe over socks or taking them off to wash t ...

Experiencing Bleeding After Menstruation: What Should I Do?

What is the difference between hayd (menstruation) and istihadah (irregular bleeding)? Could a ...

Doubt of Impurity on One’s Clothes

When do you have to repeat your prayer? What is the ruling of an impure substance found on c ...

Actions for Which Ghusl is Preferred

What is the ruling of offering a ritual bath before going to the mosque for Friday Prayer? ...

Is Ghusl Sufficient for Ablution?

What is the ruling if a person does not intend to perform ablution during the optional ritua ...