Modern-Day RADAR Technology

The radar imaging used today scans the world at every moment and developments taking place o ...

Extracting Guidance from the Qur’an (6/6)

Do we have to follow the companions of the Prophet? Is it possible to just follow the Qur ...

Extracting Guidance from the Qur’an (6/6)

Do we have to follow the companions of the Prophet? Is it possible to just follow the Qur ...

Extracting Guidance from the Qur’an (5/6)

What is the sign of patience? What are the consequences of trials in the life of the Muslim? ...

Extracting Guidance from the Qur’an (5/6)

What is the sign of patience? What are the consequences of trials in the life of the Muslim? ...

Extracting Guidance from the Qur’an (4/6)

How do people follow the guidance of the Qur’an? How could it change our life?


Extracting Guidance from the Qur’an (4/6)

How do people follow the guidance of the Qur’an? How could it change our life?


Extracting Guidance from the Qur’an (3/6)

How could you follow the guidance of the Qur’an? How did the Prophet carry the great b ...

Extracting Guidance from the Qur’an (3/6)

How could you follow the guidance of the Qur’an? How did the Prophet carry the great b ...

Extracting Guidance from the Qur’an (2/6)

Welcome to a new interesting episode of “Extracting guidance from the Qur’anR ...

Extracting Guidance from the Qur’an (2/6)

Welcome to a new interesting episode of “Extracting guidance from the Qur’anR ...

Extracting Guidance from the Qur’an (1/6)

What is meant by the guidance of the Qur’an? How could we apply it on our daily life?< ...

A Personal Account of an Ex-Secularist

No other religion professed by a large community have I found so comprehensible and encourag ...

Sciences of the Qur’an: How Was the Qur’an Revealed?

What is meant by Al-Lawh Al-Mahfuzh? How was the Qur’an preserved? What are the states of re ...

Sciences of the Qur’an: The Concept of Revelation

Why wahi is called inspiration? What do you know about inspiration from Allah? Do all religi ...

Correct Your Recitation (8)

Idgham – Merging (Part 1) ...

Correct Your Recitation (7)

Arabic alphabets & articulation points (Part 6) ...

Sciences of the Qur’an: Miraculous Nature of the Qur’an

How does the Qur’an challenge mankind to produce even one ayah? What do you know about the mira ...

Sciences of the Qur’an: Various Recitations of the Qur’an

What is meant be huruf (letters)? What is meant by qira’at (recitations)? How many authenticate ...

Sciences of the Qur’an: Compilation & Preservation of the Qur’an (1/2)

How was the Qur’an compiled in the life of the Prophet (peace be upon him)? How was the Qur’an ...