What Could Be Done If a Child Blocks the Place of Prostration?

What could be done if a child blocks the place of prostration? ...

Nullifiers of Prayer

How could the Muslim perfect his prayer?


Prolonged Supplication in the Final Prostration: Permissible?

What is the ruling of supplication in the prostration? What is the ruling of supplication du ...

The Prophet’s Tahajjud Prayer

How did Prophet Muhammad perform the late night prayer? How did he praise Allah? What du`aa’ di ...

The Prophet’s Tahajjud Prayer

How did Prophet Muhammad perform the late night prayer? How did he praise Allah? What du`aa’ ...

Ruku` in Prayer

What are the external acts of bowing? How to perform bowing in the perfect way? ...

Prayer’s Prerequisites and Essentials (2/2)

What do you know about the Prophet’s prayer? What is the rule if you do not recite Al-Fatihah d ...

Prayer’s Prerequisites and Essentials (1/2)

What is the ruling of the prayer? What is the significance of prayer in Islam? How could you pr ...