By Faten Sabri From the time of Adam, God (Allah) the Creator assigned the most righteous pe ...
It was just such a young, forceful and virile people that was needed to disseminate the teac ...
Sadaqah is not restricted to any special deed of righteousness. The general rule is that all ...
Sound belief is accomplished by removing any doubtful matters from the heart. This is easy b ...
By Editorial Staff How much do you about Jesus? How do Muslims believe about Jesus? Do Musli ...
The function of the nature is to follow the right path, and to rush towards it, unless it is ...
What does it mean to believe in Angels? What do the Angels do? What are the merits of believ ...
How does one acquire knowledge of and belief in God, His Attributes, His Law and the Day of ...
What do the Arabic words Qadaa´ and Qadar mean? What does it mean to belief in Qadaa´ and Qa ...
How could you repent from many years of missing prayers?
...How iman (faith) is related to Islam? Who is the Muslim, and who is the mu’min? Is there Isl ...
What do you know about surat #Al-Fatihah? Why is it such an importance chapter of the Qur’an ...
Islam means obedience to God. And it is common sense that this obedience cannot be complete ...
As He is One in His Lordship without any partner, He is also One in His servitude. What does ...
Anywhere on earth prayer can be performed. An American Muslim sister tells her experience wi ...
What does it mean to believe in Allah’s books? What are these books, and why do we believe i ...
What do the pillars of Islam have to do with the social relations? What message do they have ...
What is the difference between zakah and sadaqah? What are the benefits of sadaqah? How does ...
Allah created all of mankind to have belief in Him (their Creator). What is the evidence to ...
What laws has Allah placed to protect and promote the human mind? How does Islam encourage e ...