What Kind Of Salah Are You Praying?

How could I be standing before God and still be thinking about other things whatsoever? Does ...

Does Allah Need Our Salah?

I’m overloaded that I cannot pray five times a day. So what? Why the burden?


Allah is Near

What is the meaning of "Allah is near"? ...

Revive Your Faith with Prayer

What is the relationship between faith and prayer? How does Allah describe prayer in the Qur’an ...

Similarities between the Qur’an and Rain

What are the effects of the Book of Allah? How could the Qur'an be a source of light? ...

The Qur’an is Timeless

Is the Qur’an a timeless book? ...

The Priority of Prayer

What is relationship between the Qur’an and prayer? How could one refresh his faith? What is th ...

Qur’an & Music

What are the negative effects of listening to music?


Qur’an & Music

What are the negative effects of listening to music?


Qur’an & Music

What are the negative effects of listening to music?


The Drinks of Paradise

What are the drinks of Paradise? How will the people of Paradise be served?


Allah Is Oft-Forgiving

Why does Allah forgive His slaves? What are the conditions of sincere repentance?


Supplication of Prophet Ibrahim

What are the requirement of peace in a city? What is the supplication of Ibrahim for Makkah? ...

Money in the Life of Muslims

How do capitalists see the money in their life? How do Muslims see it?


How Robert Davila Converted to Islam

Who is Robert Davila? How did he embrace Islam? How did he learn and understand the Qur’an? ...

The Priority of Prayer

What is relationship between the Qur’an and prayer? How could one refresh his faith? What is ...

Tranquility in the Qur’an

What do you know about “tranquility in the Qur’an”?


Be Aware of the Whispers of Satan

How could you seek Allah’s forgiveness? How could you avoid the whispers of Satan?

Allah is Near

What is the meaning of “Allah is near”?


Palindrome Miracle in the Qur’an

What is the miracle in the language of the Qur’an?
