In any action Muslims must be driven by good intentions, especially when dealing with advising ...
The Shahadah is the key to the gates of Paradise, but in order for it to work, be accepted b ...
Our hero was born in Damascus in the year 577 or 578H to a poor and obscure family. As a you ...
Seek the truth…move up from the lower-level desires to the higher-level ones. Seek the ...
Be patient in times of hardship and difficulty, when struggling with personal desires, and i ...
Islam is the greatest blessing that Allah has bestowed upon mankind and the Qur’an is the gr ...
While the impoverished continent of Africa suffers at all levels of society, the often-appal ...
When we read the history of Muslim contribution to world civilization, it seems very recent ...
Science is the most momentous contribution of Arab civilization to the modern world; but its ...
As He is One in His Lordship without any partner, He is also One in His servitude. What does ...
A non-Muslim is asking Dr. Zakir Naik an interesting question and a clever one indeed. Why d ...
Because of their perception and opinions, both the teacher and the student were unjustly per ...
As we have progressed from toddler to adult, there have been countless teachers along the wa ...
Allah created all of mankind to have belief in Him (their Creator). What is the evidence to ...
The author of a book who has worked day and night to write a book is obviously the best person ...
Indeed, it is a duty in Islam. Every Muslim has to love and support the faithful after adhering ...
What is the status of parents in the Qur’an? How does Islam emphasize on the relation with t ...
Abul-Walid ibn Rushd, known in the West as Averroes, was the exemplar of a Muslim scientist ...
It is ignoble that some people may curse heaven when the earth goes bad. Instead of doing wh ...
I cannot stress enough the importance of developing Islamic psychology – because psych ...