The Status of the Mosque in the Islamic Society

Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali The status of the Mosque in the Islamic society makes it the source ...

The Prophet’s Guidance for New Muslim Youth

The challenge is far from easy, but the change worth it. For a smoother transition in your l ...

The Closest Person to You

Your wife is the closest person to you. This life companion and life partner deserves your k ...

Da`wah: Why Is the Prophet Our Best Example?

As the Prophet’s methods in dealing with people’s mistakes are wiser and more efficacious, u ...

Jannah and Its People: How the Qur’an Depicts Them

While the Paradise dwellers will be enjoying the blessings of Allah; they will recline on th ...

Does the Qur’an Justify Domestic Violence between Husband & Wife?

In today’s world, a lot of misunderstandings are flying around about marriage in Islam ...

Mistakes Stemming from Ijtihad and Mistakes Done Deliberately

We need to make a distinction between mistakes stemming from an honest effort to find out wh ...

Erring out of Ignorance and Erring Despite One’s Knowledge

We have to make a distinction between one who errs out of ignorance and one who errs despite ...

The True Meanings of Eid: Unity and Mercy

Eid has many noble and valuable meanings that make everyone happy. Thus, everyone has his ow ...

The Two Words I Never Was Fortunate to Say to My Mother…

My mother has been there all my life, never failed me once, never. And never once have I ever c ...

Prophet Muhammad’s Communication Skills

He (peace be upon him) spoke with clarity and made people comprehend easily, sometimes by even ...

Before Giving Advice…Watch Out For This

Before reaching out and giving advice to others or correcting their mistakes there’s somethi ...

Kindness in Islam

Islam commands kindness towards everything in this universe, including people, animals and e ...

Altruism and Regard for Others

Altruism is when a person cares for others’ needs more than his own, despite his need. He mi ...

How Prophet Muhammad Expressed Grief: Lessons of Faith & Humanity

Grief and sadness are normal responses to death of a loved one or loss. How did the Prophet ...

Peace and Tranquility in a Modern World

It may be difficult trying to find faith in a modern world as the minutes speed by and hours ...

Qur’an Maxims: Behaving Decently towards People

Why should we treat others kindly? What is the effect of that? What is the status of good mo ...

How to Love the Prophet

Where was love in the Prophet’s life and how should be our love for him? Is it a matter of affe ...