Islamic Law in Protecting env

Legislative Principles, Policies, and Institutions of Islamic Law which Govern the Procedures a ...

Islamic Shariah Defined

Though the word Shariah in its various derivative forms is found in five places in the Quran ...

Peace, Security and Other Basic Human Rights in Islam

The right of security and protection to a person and all his family is the most basic of all ...

Women’s Rights and Status in Islam

Have you tried asking a Muslim woman what does she think about herself as a Muslim? Why do s ...

An Introduction to Islamic Civilization

When we look up the word civilization in the Websters online dictionary we get: “A soc ...

Sexuality in Islam and Hinduism (3/4)

Definition of adultery in Hinduism  In the part 1st and 2nd of this article, the philosophy ...

What Does Islam Give Woman?

Have you tried asking a Muslim woman what does she think about herself as a Muslim? Why do s ...

Sexuality in Islam and Hinduism (2/4)

By Editorial Staff Permissible Sex: Worthy of Reward in Islam   This issue has been elu ...

Sexuality in Islam and Hinduism (1/4)

Most animals do not have sex only for sex; rather, they have sex in the natural seasons for ...

Islam and the Preservation of Human Mind

What laws has Allah placed to protect and promote the human mind? How does Islam encourage e ...

Women’s Rights and Status in Islam

Have you tried asking a Muslim woman what does she think about herself as a Muslim? Why do some ...

How Would the Prophet Give Da`wah?

Looking back at the Prophet’s life and his mission as a messenger, how did he preach Islam? ...

Jihad and Da`wah, Is There a Relation?

How is the term jihad used in the Qur’an and what types of jihad are referred to? And what d ...

Building up Goodness: Lessons from the Prophet

You can change your life and others’ as well. Learn how the Prophet built up a new Islamic s ...

Making Positive Change the Prophet’s Way

The greatest, most profound change in history happened peacefully. Nevertheless, it was trul ...


Do Non-Muslim Minorities Have Rights in Islam?

The true Shari`ah-ruled Islamic state is something which is more likely to seem desirable in ...

Islam and Preservation of Human Life

How does Islam view human life? What laws has Allah placed to regulate and promote such life ...

How Are Muslim Women Perceived in the West?

I’m still dealing with as I’m always repeating that the most important problem for Muslim wo ...

Position of Women in Islam – Social Aspect

It is incorrect to say that the Islamic dress code restricts women to wearing one particular ...

The Relation between Jihad and Da`wah

How is the term jihad used in the Qur’an and what types of jihad are referred to? And what d ...