What Is the First Step towards Good Manners?

The article tries to find the first step in the way of perfecting one’s manners as indicated by ...

The Message of False Religions

The article shows how paganism is the message of all the false religions whereas Islam is th ...

How Do You Define Islam and Muslims?

What is Islam and who are the Muslims? How do you define yourself as a Muslim? Do you exactl ...

Scientific Miracles in the Qur’an

Science has recently uncovered that there is a protective barrier between the Earth and the ...

How was the Qur’an Kept Undistorted (2/2)

How did Allah protect the Qur’an against distortion? Why are Muslims keen to recite and memo ...


The Prophet Muhammad in Hindu Scriptures

Have you ever thought that there have been indications to Prophet in the Hindu and Sikh’s sc ...

On Celebrating Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj

Should Muslims celebrate Al-Israa' and Al-Mi`raj? What did happened on that night? When was tha ...


Celebrating Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj

What do you know about Al-Israa’ and Al-Mi`raj?Should Muslims celebrate it? What did h ...

Beyond the Night Journey

Why was the Prophet taken on the Night journey? Was it a spiritual or physical one? What did Go ...