What is the time for tahajjud in in Islam? What are the virtues of offering the night prayer ...
What is the ruling of making up the missed sunnah before Zhuhr Prayer in Islam? Watch o get ...
What is the ruling of offering the witr prayer in Islam? What is the least number of rakahs ...
What is the ruling of intention before offering prayer? What is ruling of uttering the inten ...
What is the ruling of stretching one’s legs or back towards the Qilblah (direction of ...
What is the ruling of dyeing or using henna for both men and women? Does it invalidate one ...
Does a Muslim woman have to make up the missed prayers during her menses? What should she ma ...
What is meant by nifas? What is the minimum period of post-natal bleeding? What is the maxim ...
What is the ruling of the baby’s urine? At what age should the boy’s urine be wa ...
What is the ruling of offering prayer behind an imam who practices magic or witchcraft? Is i ...
What is the ruling of performing ablution (wudu’) while being naked? What is the limit ...
What is the ruling of making itikaf at home for women (musalla room) instead of the Masjid? ...
What is meant by Attahiyat that is said during prayer? What are the virtues of Attahiyat? Wa ...
What is the importance of Taharah (removing impurities) in Islam? What is the ruling of remo ...
Watch this short talk about the ruling on du`aa’ between the two prostrations, with Dr ...
What is the ruling of reciting short verses or surahs after Al-Fatihah in the 3rd and 4th Ra ...
What are the rulings of women leading prayer? Is it permissible for a woman to lead men and ...
What is the importance of prayer? How did the Prophet (peace be upon him) observe his prayer ...
What is the prayer that is offered before the witr prayer?
...A detailed explanation on how to offer the Prayer correctly.