When you find yourself in a situation, you have to read that situation in a way similar to t ...
How does one acquire knowledge of and belief in God, His Attributes, His Law and the Day of ...
While journeying to God we will be put to many tests. One of those tests pertains to people& ...
The Satan was and is still the most dangerous enemy of Mankind. Allah warns every human bein ...
I cannot proceed in my journey to God while forgetting my journey to the Hereafter. One shou ...
How iman (faith) is related to Islam? Who is the Muslim, and who is the mu’min? Is there Isl ...
The word of wisdom under discussion is about du`aa’ (supplication). It is not about the etiq ...
What do you know about surat #Al-Fatihah? Why is it such an importance chapter of the Qur’an ...
Islam means obedience to God. And it is common sense that this obedience cannot be complete ...
Actions speak louder than words. Your good actions is a one of the most fruitful means of da ...
As He is One in His Lordship without any partner, He is also One in His servitude. What does ...
People are different. Diversity is a universal law of God. He diversified the acts of worshi ...
If He takes you away from people, then know that He is opening to you the doors of His Compa ...
It is generally held that divorce in Islam is very easy; a man only has to say to his wife: ...
What is most important regarding those being called to Islam is that the message should be c ...
At times, God gives you and at other times He deprives you. God might test you through bad a ...
The individual who as accepted the duty of calling others to Allah must possess certain char ...
Muslims are often accused of being promiscuous because polygamy is legal in Islam. Did Islam ...
One of the universal laws of God which govern the issue of providence with all its kinds is ...
The tree of humiliation stems from a seed of neediness. Nothing deceives you as your illusio ...