Du`aa’: the Essence of Worship

To measure your distance from God, check over your du`aa’. But before that, what do you know ...

More than A Knock on the Door of God

The more times you knock on the door of God, it will eventually be opened to you and you wil ...

Don’t Be Impatient about the Answer of Du`aa’

Allah answered the du`aa’ of the worst of His creation, so one shouldn’t lose hope of getti ...

Seek Me and You Will Find Me

Honorable brothers and sisters… “Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah hearts ar ...

The Closest Person to You

Your wife is the closest person to you. This life companion and life partner deserves your k ...

Belief in Allah and His Messenger: The First Pillar of Islam

Islam is a large structure that combines many different aspects of human life and such a str ...

Names and Attributes of God: What Does It Mean to Believe in Them?

لإhere is no greater way to connect your heart with your Lord, to moisten your tongue with H ...

The Faith of a Muslim: Attaching the Heart to Allah

Joy in this world and the Hereafter cannot realized except through love and knowledge of All ...

Islamic Beliefs: Belief in Angels

The article talks about the belief in angels and shows their description, duties and the fru ...

What Is the Importance of Tawhid?

Whoever is free from the major and minor acts of Shirk and keeps away from major sins, such ...

How Can You Have Sound Belief in Allah?

The True God is the One Whom all hearts worship and for Whom they are full of love, to the e ...

Proofs for Allah’s Right of Worship

God, the Most Merciful and Compassionate, will not hold him to account or punish him for fol ...

The Friends of Allah: Who and How?

What might we do to attain a higher position in our relation with Him? And why do we need to ...

Faith: Does It Increase and Decrease?

What does outline one’s true faith? How does a Muslim describe himself as a believer? Where ...

The Prophetic Methods of Teaching

Just a look at the example of how the Prophet taught his Companions and early Muslims about ...

Remember Allah and Get It All

Want to overcome heart aches, release your pain, master your fears and worries? Who doesn ...

Da`wah: Benefits for Life and Hereafter

How does da`wah impact my life? And what benefits would it give me after passing away? What ...

That’s Why We Give Da`wah

Why do we give da`wah? What benefits do we reap? How is it related to related our identity a ...


Remember God and Get It All

Want to overcome heart aches, release your pain, master your fears and worries? Who doesn ...

Purpose and Spirit of Worship in Islam

How do we, Muslims, worship God, and why? How do the acts of worship translate our relationship ...