How to Raise Your Children

“Play with your children till the age of 7, discipline them till they are 14, watch th ...

Come To A Word That Is Just

Prophet Muhammad believed that the King of Ethiopia, being a devout Christian, would give hi ...

Prophet Muhammad’s Courage

However, in case of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), history attests to t ...

What to Do during the First Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah?

As we enter the first 10 days of this blessed month, our hearts and prayers are with those u ...

Anti-Islam Media Led April Fuller to Islam

According to the Council on American-Islamic relations, “Muslims believe in One, Unique, and ...

The Cobbler’s Hajj

The Pilgrimage to Makkah is a sign of supreme significance. It was Prophet Abraham’s u ...

Differences of Opinion – Peaceful and Militant

Early Muslims had their differences even during the life of the Prophet, and every view was ...

How the Quran Shapes the Brain

The very first thing taught to an aspiring student was the Quran, which had to be memorized ...

Introduction to Surah Al-Kahf (The Cave) – Part 1

This surah comes to provide you with an escape route, a way of salvation, a safety net, a li ...

The Universal Declaration of Independence

It was a declaration of universal human rights and freedoms, of universal peace and security ...


Muhammad: Allah’s Mercy for All (Part 2/2)

The Prophet was even merciful and compassionate when in war. He commanded his companions, &# ...

Surat Al-Ikhlas: A Few Verses That Equal One-third of Quran

This Surah defies all those who worship anything or anyone other than Allah such as idols, J ...

Muhammad: Allah’s Mercy for All (Part 1/2)

He taught humanity how to live in the most productive and meaningful way. He taught that hum ...

The Hadith of Archangel Gabriel

Try to imagine the situation. The Messenger of God, at the time the greatest human being on ...

There Is No God but Him (Allah)

Contrary to the perceived wisdom, God did not create matter and then leave it on its own. Ev ...

False Accusation and Irrefutable Testimony

False Accusation and Irrefutable Testimony: This is the explanation of verses 25-29 of Surah ...

A Multifaceted Approach to Islamic Bioethics

Debates on whether abortion is permissible, ethical implications of genetic testing, and the ...

10 Principles for Those Seeking the Path of Allah

Be patient in times of hardship and difficulty, when struggling with personal desires, and i ...

Are We Grateful To God?

No sensible person can imagine that these universal, all-embracing relationships could be a ...

The Arabian Peninsula’s Climate

From the miracles of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God ...