The Islamic way of life is a practical one, it is not beyond the human strength, but according ...
In this short video, Sheikh talks about the praise of Allah upon the Prophet Muhammad as sho ...
What is the spirit of prayer? Is offering prayer just a tradition?
...What do you know about the Day of Judgment? What is the first act the slave of Allah will b ...
What is meant by the word `Ibadah’? What is the purpose of worship?
...For it is only in Islam that all the believers are equal, no priest, no sacrament; no Muslim ...
Do you know the biblical prophecies on the advent of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam?
...In the long list of the prophetic family, certainly the “youngest,” the “least” is Muhammad; ...
At a very young age, Muhammad enthusiastically joined a pact of chivalry for the establishme ...
Was it a coincidence that the Prophet “like unto Moses” from the “brethren” of the Israelite ...
One of the most outrageous claims was that the Qur’an had been written by the Prophet Muhamm ...
Prophet Muhammad had kept his accounts clear, fulfilled his promises and had come to be know ...
Who is the prophet who resembles Prophet Moses most?
...As all other messengers, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), stated first and foremost ...
In this video, Sheikh Ahmed Deedat proved by quoting from the original Bible in Hebrew the v ...
Do you know what is the difference between the Bible and Qur’an?
...Did Prophet Jesus predict the advent of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them) in the Bible?< ...
Jews misunderstood Jesus, if he promised he would keep the law, but they killed him because ...
Whereas, the Bible is a collection of writings by different authors, the Qur’an is a d ...
Was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) foretold in the Bible?