What Does It Mean to Believe in Allah? (Part Two)

As He is One in His Lordship without any partner, He is also One in His servitude. What does ...

How Did Stephen Schwartz Find Islam?

Very early on, I learned that behind the glorious works of the Spanish Catholic mystics ther ...

How Do We Know the Qur’an is Unchanged?

The revelation of the Qur’an was not an isolated event in time. It was a constant stream of ...

Hajj as a Conference Legislated by Allah

Hajj was and still is the place of security where souls feel at ease in the land of revelati ...

Pilgrimage and Its Universal Lessons

The Hajj is essentially a re-enactment of the rituals of the great prophets and teachers of ...

History of Hajj in Brief

Sure enough, a man by the name of Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullah was born in the very city tha ...

The Meaning of La Ilaha Illa Allah (Tawheed)

Due to the concept of “La Ilaha Illa Allah” Allah brought the creation into being, and due t ...

Conversion Story of Sir Jalaluddin Lauder Brunton

Realizing the necessity of living up to the Truth and digging deep, so that I may find the & ...

Prophethood: The Perception of Realities

Just as the Qur’an is believed to be the revealed Word of Allah without any reservations, si ...

The Evolutionists Myth of Homology

According to his assumption, both pigeons and eagles had wings; therefore, pigeons, eagles a ...

Islam: A Total Way of Life

Islam is a “total way of life.” It has provided guidance in every sphere of life, from indiv ...

This Amazing Human Heart!

The heart is not only responsible for pumping the blood inside the human body; it has anothe ...

Concept of Friendship in Islam

Friends are by no means only a means for ‘time-pass’ or entertainment. Indeed fr ...

Muslim Scholars Broke the DA VINCI CODE

Ancient secrets of the Church, hidden for centuries have actually been revealed and publishe ...

Conversion Story of Anthony Greene from UK

I was dissatisfied with Christianity from the age of eight. The concept that was taught to u ...

How the Prophets Made Da`wah!

Da`wah should be made purely and sincerely, seeking Allah’s pleasure to seek the Face ...

The Big Question: The Purpose of Life

Why are we here? To amass fame and fortune? To make music and babies? To be the richest man ...

Faith is Human Nature: What Does This Really Mean?

When we believe in God, we are responding to our nature, and because it is in harmony with o ...

How the Prophets Made Da`wah?

Da`wah should be made purely and sincerely, seeking Allah’s pleasure to seek the Face ...

The Great Mamluk Sultan Al-Zahir Baybars

Baybars gained his first major military victory as commander of the Ayyoubid army at the cit ...