What Are the Fundamentals of Faith?

The fundamentals of the Islamic faith are based upon pure monotheism, which means worshiping ...

Reviving Muslim Intellectual Position in the World (P 1)

A nation suffering from the mental maladies mentioned in the above verse cannot hope to reco ...

Balancing Our Inner and Outer Worlds

Our mountains, oceans, deserts, and forests have traded places on Earth through the shifting ...

Earth Enters Sixth Extinction Event in Half-a-Billion Years

The index of extinction risk for five major groups — birds, mammals, amphibians, corals and ...

Jesus: The Spiritual Ascetic

Zuhd entails abandoning whatever of this world that does not bring about benefit in the Here ...

10 Lessons from Jesus (Prophet Esa)

Due to the way human history has gone, the word slavery has very negative connotations and r ...

Diminished Faith? 4 Easy Steps to Recovery

A million different things run through your head. You feel alien to the community of Muslims ...

9 Lessons from Moses’ Conversation with God

Just like Moses was given the sign of the burning fire, God gives all of us signs in this li ...

Mary and Jesus in Islam

Jesus Eesa (Esau, Yeheshua Jesus-Christ) was a Prophet and Messenger as well. He received On ...

The Islamic Jesus

Jesus himself is also venerated throughout the Qur’an. We read that he was born of a virgin, ...


Spiral Galaxies and Spirituality

The Pakistani-born astronomer leads the Center for the Study of Science in Muslim Societies ...

Islamic Perspective on Animal Welfare

According to Census of Marine Life scientists, there are an estimated 8.7 million living spe ...


How to Treat Our Hearts and Develop Sound Belief

Sound belief is accomplished by removing any doubtful matters from the heart. This is easy b ...

In Search of the Prophet

I found my source of adoration for you in the love and respect that the Almighty has proclai ...

Responsibility of Pluralism in Islam

For many religions, both Eastern and Western, it was pretty much: “Follow my way or I will s ...

Islam: The Religion of Nature

The function of the nature is to follow the right path, and to rush towards it, unless it is ...

A Forgotten Covenant

No one is to destroy a house of their religion, to damage it, or to carry anything from it t ...

Why Does Allah Allow Suffering and Evil in the World?

Sufferings occur to teach us that we must adhere to Allah’s natural and moral laws. It is so ...

Tawheed: Its Meaning and Categories

Tawheed is to single out Allah (Exalted be He) in what is distinct to Him and obligatory for ...

Diligence: The Way to Success

There are norms and laws in the universe that man is not permitted to contradict. Instead, h ...