The Oneness of God and Man’s Recognition of It

Man, by nature, has an inherent inborn recognition of his Creator, but how does man recogniz ...

Is There Any Proof for Darwinian Evolution?

We do not want something to be accepted by faith, we want it to be observable.



Does God Exist?

Everything in this world has measures that cannot be violated by any means. Does this apply ...


God, Design and the Universe

How does the Qur’an link between man, life and the universe? What does this say about the exist ...

The Hereafter: A Logical or a Blind Belief?

How could you prove there’s a hereafter and be sure of it, and please tell me about something l ...


Does God Exist? Choose One Option

How could we know that there’s only One Creator to the universe? Should be there a Creator at a ...

The Islamic Concept of Faith

What does the word faith stand for in Islam and what are its indications? What would make a hum ...