Hajj: A Universal Message for Peace

In hajj, a pilgrim meets and peacefully deals with people from different languages, ethnicit ...

Life in the Desert

Extreme heat that reaches up to 50-60oC (122-140oF) in the daytime, freezing cold at night, ...

Between Man and Environment in Islam

Does man have the right to cause the degradation of the environment? Does man have the right ...

Prophet Muhammad & Environment

In times past when there were no environmental rights or laws Prophet Muhammad declared 30 k ...

Inspired By Muhammad: Environment

In times past when there were no environmental rights or laws Prophet Muhammad declared 30 k ...


Islamic Law in Protecting Environment

Is protecting the environment a religious obligation in Islam? Is there something in Islamic ...

Islam and Natural Resources: Water and Air

What does the Creator of the universe tell us about the universe and what does the universe tel ...


The Myth of Evolution & Its Historical Root

Actually what inspired me to post such video was the existence of some videos(actually parts ...