Ramadan’s Chronicles: Day 7

On our way to feel the closeness to God, it is essential to reveal to God what we really are as ...

Reflections on Surat Al-Qari`ah

What are the lessons in Surat Al-Qari`ah that reflect the eloquence of the Glorious Qur`an? ...

Ruling of Friday Prayer

What is the Ruling of a Muslim who does not pray Jumu`ah Prayer on purpose? ...

New Muslims in Pursuit of Inner Peace (Part 1)

How could a person why have just accepted Islam achieve and maintain inner peace and calmness? ...

What Is Fasting in Islam (Last Miracle)

Why do Muslims fast, and how? What does it have to do with belief in God? What is the reasoning ...

Religion between ‘Blind’ Imitation and Certainty (P. 2)

Indeed, true religiosity which influences one’s behavior, leads to right guidance, and incites ...