Miracles of the Qur’an: The Female Honeybee

We should not forget that it is impossible for this fact to have been known about the honey bee ...

Ramadan Daily: Laylat Al-Qadr

What are the virtues of Laylat Al-Qadr? When does it occur? What should we do in that night? ...

What Happens to Your Body When You Fast?

Fasting from sunrise until sunset for 30 days certainly has a physical impact. Watch this video ...

The Reward of Praying Tarawih in Congregation

How could a believer get closer to Allah in Ramadan? What is the reward of observing and offeri ...

Ramadan’s Chronicles: Day 21

“Oh, God, make this Qur’an a proof for us and not a proof against us.” The Qur’an is a proof of ...

Qur’anic Gems: Juz’ 21

What is the ruling of those who disregard Allah’s signs? What is the significance of racism in ...

Laylat Al-Qadr: Signs and Virtues

What is Laylat Al-Qadr? Why is it such a superior night? When does it occur? What should we do ...

Women I`tikaf: At Mosques or at Homes?

Is it allowed for women to do i`tikaf for the last ten days of Ramadan? If yes, is i`tikaf perf ...

Ramadan’s Chronicles: Day 29

Oh God, I testify that there is no god but You, I seek Your forgiveness and to You I repent. ...

The Physical Benefits of Fasting

On the physical level, are there benefits from fasting Ramadan? What do medical experts say abo ...

Ramadan Fasting: A Way of Life

What does come to your mind when you hear the word of fasting? What do you know about fasting? ...

Ramadan’s Chronicles: Day 20

“Oh God, respond to the call of the people who are treated unjustly, and show us what should be ...

الإسلام والبيئة – لجنة الدعوة الإلكترونية

تقدم لجنة الدعوة الإلكترونية هذا الفيلم الذي يوضح موقف الإسلام من الحفاظ على البيئة. أمر الإسل ...

كلمتين – طلال فاخر – الدعاء

كلمتين تستحقان أن تمعن التفكير فيهما وإن أعجبتك الكلمتان فلا تبخل بإعادة إرسالهما برعاية مب ...

الرفق بالحيوان في الإسلام – لجنة الدعوة الإلكترونية

الحضارة الإسلامية كانت ولا تزال أكثر حضارات العالم إنسانية، والرفق بالحيوان مظهر من مظاهر هذه ا ...

Salvation in Judaism,Christianity and Islam

The E-Da`wah Committee, owned by Al-Najat Charity Society in Kuwait, presents this short video ...

Ramadan’s Chronicles: Day 9

Of the supplications and prayers that were said in the Qur’an by the prophets and messengers of ...

الإحسان إلى البشر في الإسلام

تقدم لجنة الدعوة الإلكترونية هذا الفيلم الذي يوضح فكرة الإحسان في الإسلام وأن الإحسان لا يقتصر ...

Ramadan: Month of the Qur’an

What is the significance of reciting the Qur’an? What if one does not know Arabic? What should ...

Number of Rak`ahs in Tarawih Prayer

What do you know about Tarawih Prayer? How many are the rak`ahs of Tarawih Prayer? Is it limite ...