Wondering About the Details of Creation

The Qur’an does not say that the material or physical development of a country is determined ...

Book review: “Why Science Does Not Disprove God”

In stockpiling his arguments, Aczel quotes from his interviews with dozens of leading scient ...

Darwinism: A Religion of Superstition

For Darwinists, the theory of evolution is much more than a scientific proposition. When the ...

Birds that Imitate Sound Invalidate Evolutionary Theory

The evolutionary tree on which the evolutionists rely is a strained series of links between ...

The Unquestionable Taboos of Darwinism

Regardless of the fact that the Darwinist religion is merely a product of demagoguery, it ha ...

Tales of “Feathered Dinosaurs” No Longer Deceive Anyone

Birds have always existed as birds, and dinosaurs always existed as dinosaurs. You can exami ...

The Camel: A Special Animal in the Service of Mankind

The exclusively specific characteristic of the camel is its body structure, which is not eff ...

Imaginary Mechanism of Evolution

It is impossible for living beings to have evolved, because there exists no mechanism in nat ...

Blind Termites Building Skyscrapers

Special chambers for the young, fungus production fields and the queen’s chamber are only a ...

The Heating System of the Winter Moth

Before flight winter moths continuously tense the main muscles that are connected to the win ...

Allah’s Different Forms of Creation

There is an important point that is ignored by those who believe in evolutionary creation wh ...

Inspiration for Helicopters: The Dragonfly

The body of a dragonfly looks like a helical structure wrapped with metal. Two wings are cro ...

The Special Cooling System of Gazelles

The brain of a gazelle is cooled by a special cooling system located on the right side of it ...

Chance Conflicts with the Truth of Creation

Evolution is a component of materialism and, according to materialism, the universe has no b ...


Existence of Different Races: Evidence for Evolution?

The different physical features between human races are due to variations within the human r ...

Architects in Nature

Honey bees, which make perfect hexagonal hives; beavers, which construct dams suited to fine ...


The Deceit of the Origins of Flies

While a person cannot even swing his arms 10 times per second, an average fly has the abilit ...

The Endosymbiosis Hypothesis and Its Invalidity

The endosymbiosis hypothesis is based on the fact that the mitochondria of animal cells and ...

Cells that Race and Dance

As it is known, the chromosome has the appearance of an X. Every extension of the Z is like ...

Preliminary Location of the Testes in the Fetus

Significant details emerge when we look at the information in the Qur’an concerning human cr ...