The Rights of the Muslims Who Die with Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the Muslim Community

The AMJA has received several inquiries regarding the rights of Muslims who die while infect ...


FCNA’s Statements on Fiqhi Issues Pertaining to Coronavirus

Given the extenuating circumstances surround the Coronavirus crisis, the Fiqh Council of Nor ...

Coronavirus: Spiritual and Intellectual Lessons

In this short video, Dr. Mohammed Gamal Abdelnour elaborates on the spiritual and intellectu ...

Prophet Muhammad’s Guidelines for a Successful Quarantine

The world is facing a very serious pandemic, Coronavirus or COVID-19, which is killing thous ...


AMJA’s Statement on Offering E-Jumuah Prayer During Coronavirus Pandemic

(AMJA) has received questions pertaining to holding Friday sermon and prayer services to pre ...

Coronavirus/COVID-19 between Islam and Medical Science

You are a creation of God who revealed for you guideline and instruction in the form of reli ...

AMJA’s Statement on Coronavirus and Congregational Services

In light of the new developments of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, and in light of the ...

10 Worst Pandemics in History

Scientists and medical researchers for years have differed over the exact definition of a pa ...