Useful Tips From Abu Ad-Darda, the Righteous Companion of the Prophet

Abu Ad-Darda was one of the righteous Companions of the Prophet that his words are precious ...

Who Is Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq?

Who was Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq; a chemist or a hadith narrator? What did lead him to be such an ...

Da`wah: Why Is the Prophet Our Best Example?

As the Prophet’s methods in dealing with people’s mistakes are wiser and more efficacious, u ...

Hamzah ibn `Abdul-Muttalib: The Lion of Allah & the Martyr of Martyrs (Part 2)

Allah supported Islam with Hamzah and his conversion. He was strong in defending the Prophet ...

Mistakes Stemming from Ijtihad and Mistakes Done Deliberately

We need to make a distinction between mistakes stemming from an honest effort to find out wh ...

Mu`adh Ibn Jabal: The Most Learned of Halal and Haram

Among the seventy-man delegation of the Ansar who took the oath of allegiance to the Prophet ...

Erring out of Ignorance and Erring Despite One’s Knowledge

We have to make a distinction between one who errs out of ignorance and one who errs despite ...

Hadith: The Second Fundamental Source of Guidance

The hadith is a fundamental source of guidance second only to the Qur’an. How is that? Why t ...

Ramadan: Month of Fasting or Month of Feasting?

When the body is fasting and not occupied with the process of digestion, its organs are give ...

7 Things You Did not Know About Khadijah

I would give anything to do an on-the-job, ride-along with Khadijah. Gladly swipe my car for ...

Muhammad to His Companions: The Light They Followed

What was Prophet Muhammad to his Companions? What did make them believe in him, cherish him, ...

Muhammad: The First Years of His Message

Let us now approach the first years of his message. Those were years one rarely finds an equ ...

Prophet Muhammad on the Night Journey.. The Qur’an Tells Us

What do you know about the Prophet’s miraculous night journey? What happened on that journey? W ...

Tolerance and Mercy in the Prophetic Sunnah

Learn about the virtues of tolerance and mercy, their importance in the Islamic teachings, and ...

Is There Any Qur’anic Evidence the Hadith is a Valid Part of Islam?

If Allah had intended for us to follow the Hadith, he would have included them in the Qur’an. S ...

Zayd ibn Harithah: From Slavery to Commandership

The fact that Islam came to abolish corrupt human relationships based on false and superficial ...

Khadijah: The Faithful Wife & Companion

To the Prophet, Khadijah wasn’t just an ordinary wife. Khadijah was a sign from God to manifest ...

How the Qur’an Influenced the Morale of the Companions

The article sheds light on the great impact that the Qur’an had on the life of Companions durin ...

The Eternal Challenge: The Phenomenon of Revelation

What is meant by revelation? What is the purpose of revelation? What do the orientalists say ab ...

Prophet Muhammad’s Communication Skills

He (peace be upon him) spoke with clarity and made people comprehend easily, sometimes by even ...