What Is the Truth about Jesus? Watch to Find Out

When was Jesus really born? Was he really born on the 25th of December? Watch this short vid ...

The Life of Jesus as Revealed to Mary

Allah Most High sends you joyous news of the Divine Word, emanating directly from the Source ...

The Trinity: Its Meaning, Origin and History

By Abdul Malik LeBlanc The Trinity, which I came to know, is not biblical. The word trinity ...

10 Lessons from Jesus (Prophet Esa)

Due to the way human history has gone, the word slavery has very negative connotations and r ...

The Islamic Jesus

Jesus himself is also venerated throughout the Qur’an. We read that he was born of a virgin, ...

Religions Condemn Pork and Science Backs It Up

Many people believe that pigs are highly intelligent creatures. Some say they are smarter th ...

Jesus in the Qur’an

What do you know about the story of Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them) in the Qur’an?


The Truth about Jesus

When was Jesus really born? Was he really born on the 25th of December? History tells us tha ...

Was Jesus born on December 25?

Was Jesus born on 25th of December? Watch this video to know the answer.
