Are you prepared for it?
...Recently, India has launched a program in Assam state “The National Register of Citizens” NR ...
With the growth in popularity of dialogues, trialogues, lectures and debates, careful consid ...
By Abdul Malik LeBlanc The Trinity, which I came to know, is not biblical. The word trinity ...
What was the stand of the Prophet Moses as one who called to the way of Allah and as a refor ...
How Does Islam see the elderly? Why should we give da`wah to them? How can one give da`wah t ...
Fir`awn had just one way of stopping Moses from inviting to the way of Allah and from inciti ...
Who are Allah’s Messengers? Why are they sent down and what role and functions do they perfo ...
View the sample dialogue below and pay particular attention to how our faith can be shared i ...
Here’s a list of general means of Da`wah that have been compiled from among the many possibl ...
Since people are often at a loss as to how they should go about giving da`wah, the following ...
Here’s a list of general means of Da`wah that have been compiled from among the many possibl ...
Da`wah is a lifetime commitment. The Da`i cannot be successful in his da`wah unless he/she l ...
Since people are often at a loss as to how they should go about giving da`wah, the following ...
It is from Allah’s grace upon us in these times that there are many ways to give da`wah and ...
It is from Allah’s grace upon us in these times that there are many ways to give da`wah and ...
Moses did not digress from conveying the truth and he did not give up the initiative which w ...
One of the questions I asked myself as I took an objective (second) look at Christianity was ...
Who are the Christians? What are their sects? How do they differ from each other? In what do ...
Moses (peace be upon him) whose description has been given in Surat Al-Qasas in detail and i ...