The article shows how paganism is the message of all the false religions whereas Islam is th ...
Enjoy watching this video by Sheikh Bilal Philips with the DeenShow program taking about the ...
What are the lessons to be learned from the Prophet’s death? What is the importance of praye ...
What are the lessons to be learned from the Prophet’s death? What is the importance of praye ...
Prayer is considered the most important act of worship in Islam as it cannot be omitted exce ...
In this video, the speaker talks about the lessons to be learned from Hajj, the wisdom behin ...
How could the Muslim perfect the ablution? What are the common mistakes that people make whi ...
What is the importance of ablution? Is Prayer valid without ablution?
...What do you struggle with in life? Do you ever wonder what is really missing in your life, ...
`Eid Al-Adha is the tenth day of Dhul-Hijjah, the last month of the Hijri or Islamic calenda ...
Learn about the Ud-hiya, its rulings, conditions, the best of Ud-hiyas and the ruling pertai ...
What do you know about the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah? What are the recommendable acts du ...
Do you have a trouble getting up for the Fair Prayer? What about getting up even earlier tha ...
What is the spirit of prayer? Is offering prayer just a tradition?
...What do you know about the Day of Judgment? What is the first act the slave of Allah will b ...
From God’s mercy, there’re some deeds through which we get closer to Him, earn His good plea ...
Where should I say the Shahadah? Being one’s own choice, why should it be in public? Is it j ...
How to make your children observe their prayer? What is the status of prayer in Islam?
...What are the Sunnahs of `Eid? What are the etiquettes of `Eid? How to perform `Eid Prayer? ...
What is the impact of prayer on the believer? What are the purposes of offering Prayer in Is ...