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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Islam & Racism

Do you know that all forms of racism are forbidden in Islam? Do you know that Prophet Muhammad ...

Recitation of Surat At-Tawbah

What are the names of Surat At-Tawbah? What are the topics of Surat At-Tawbah? Why is there ...

A Photographer Finds Allah in Nature

I was born into an ordinary, non-religious Swedish home, but one that had very loving relations ...

Da`wah: Repelling Evil with Good

To believe in the Oneness of God, be on His path, act on His orders and invite people to Him… t ...

What are the divine scriptures mentioned in the Qur’an? Does a Muslim have to believe in div ...

Man-God Relationship

God is the only true Provider. It is He who has bestowed on man such faculties and capabilities ...

Does God Really Care? (Part 1/2)

Let us reflect on the creation of humans from the womb. From a drop of a man’s sperm entering a ...

Conversion to Islam Fills a Religious Void

How did these American converts find their way into Islam? How did Islam fill the gaps they per ...

Islam in Women not Women in Islam

In spite of the great propaganda about the status of women in Islam, the rate of women embracin ...

Da`wah in 2014 FIFA World Cup

During the world football tournament and to millions of visitors from all over the world Islam ...

Why do we plead to Allah to ‘guide us to the straight path’? What is unique about such a pra ...

Eid al-Fitr: A Day of Joy

The end of Ramadan ushers in one of two major celebrations in the Islamic calendar. A day of fe ...

He taught humanity how to live in the most productive and meaningful way. He taught that hum ...

Fasting the Six Days of Shawwal

What is the reward for fasting six days of Shawwal? How can a person observe fasting the six da ...

`Eid Al-Fitr: Prayer and Celebrations

The first morning after Ramadan is the beginning of a very unique, jolly day with religious and ...

Muslims on the Day of `Eid Al-Fitr

The end of Ramadan ushers in one of two major celebrations in the Islamic calendar; a day of fe ...

Ramadan’s Most Special Days: Unmatched Rewards

What is special about Ramadan’s last ten days; why are they that blessed? What do I do in these ...

The Prophet’s Tahajjud Prayer

How did Prophet Muhammad perform the late night prayer? How did he praise Allah? What du`aa’ di ...

A Day of Celebration: My First Eid

Regent's Park Mosque in London, or London Central Mosque as it is more properly known, played a ...

Raising Hands in Qunut during Witr Prayer

Do you raise your hands in supplication when performing Witr? What are the etiquettes of suppli ...