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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
The Solidity of the Atom and Electron Orbits

It is impossible to understand the structure of the atom and establish this cloud-like appea ...

Do You Truly Rely on God?

You are like the bird. The bird does not stand on one branch of a tree all the time waiting ...

The Arabic Language (Part 2/2)

As both the language of Islam and a medium of culture and learning for five centuries, Arabi ...

The Arabic Language (Part 1/2)

By the beginning of the eighth century, the Islamic Arab Empire had spread from Persia to Sp ...

Is There Any Proof for Darwinian Evolution?

We do not want something to be accepted by faith, we want it to be observable


Allah Is Indivisible & Loves What Is Indivisible

Allah is the Indivisible whose essence cannot be divided. He has no partner, and there is no ...

Allah Is Indivisible & Loves What Is Indivisible

Allah is the Indivisible whose essence cannot be divided. He has no partner, and there is no ...

Predictions in the Qur’an: Image Transmission

“He who possessed knowledge of the Book” told Prophet Sulayman (pbuh) that he co ...

Islam: The Call For Humanity & Equality

Prophet Muhammad once stood up as the funeral procession of a Jewish man passed by, to show ...

Islam: The Call For Humanity & Equality

Prophet Muhammad once stood up as the funeral procession of a Jewish man passed by, to show ...

The Myth of Bird Evolution (Part 2/2)

The “dino-bird” stories that appear in the evolutionist press consist of biased ...

Slavery Abolition: Islam VS. Western Approaches

Reviewing the history of humankind with slavery starting with the Hunting Age, then the Past ...

Tackling AIDS Through Islam?

Islam’s greatest contribution to the HIV/AIDS epidemic is prevention. The Islamic posi ...

The Myth of Bird Evolution (Part 1/2)

Of course this system, which is completely different from the lungs of reptiles and other ve ...

Islam: The True Emancipator of Women

The Muslim woman was given — more than 1,400 years ago — a role, duties, and rights that mos ...

If Not for His Mercy

Travelers to God, when left solely to their own strength, may be overcome by fatigue of the ...

Muslims Lead Philippines Relief

Out of Islam’s respect to human life and the high regard it gives to all living things, espe ...

The Fig: A Fruit Whose Perfection Has Only Recently Been Revealed

Despite being one of the oldest fruits known to man, the fig-described as “nature̵ ...

The True Origin of Life

As these prominent Darwinist scientists admitted, it’s illogical to maintain that life ...

`Ashura’ and Human Brotherhood

Fasting on the day of `Ashura’—throughout centuries since the time of Prophet Musa until our ...