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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
80 Million Year Old Shark Fossil Defies Darwinism

Paleontology provides us with more important information about this fish; it has remained uncha ...

The Two `Eids: Special Blessings upon the Muslim Nation

The two `Eids are distinct from the festivals of the disbelievers with all their various ideolo ...

From Atheism to Islam: The Light of Al-Fatihah

I was raised as a Lutheran. I was baptized as a Lutheran. I remember watching Laura and Grint W ...

Pulsars: Pulsating Stars

The word "Tariq," name of the Surah 86, comes from the root "tarq," whose basic meaning is that ...

Do all Muslims Represent Islam? (Part 2 / 2)

Corruption of worship is evident in the many myths and traditions that surround pregnancy and c ...

God’s Mercy in Reward & Punishment

According to God, our Creator, the biggest sin in His sight is associating partners with Him, d ...

Health Benefits of Movement, Washing & Drinking Water

During sport, blood flow is accelerated, particularly by the movement of long muscles such as t ...

The Logic of the Qur’an Led Me to Islam

And the thing that God is calling mankind to in the Qur’an is as the Muslim scholars say is act ...

The Lost Art of Altruism

Fethullah Üzümcüoğlu and his bride Esra Polat behaved as true believers when they took their sa ...

Badiuzzaman’s Bridge Between Science & Religion

Approaching the end of his life, Imam Nursi declared: "I have just one purpose. That is, as I g ...

Imam Al-Hasan Al-Basri

He was one of the most renowned tabi`een (the generation after the death of the Prophet (Peace ...

Influencing the Behavior of Muslim Youth and Their Parents

The behavior of growing children is influenced by many factors that include their parents and o ...

Do all Muslims Represent Islam? (Part 1/ 2)

It is a distressing fact that many great crimes have been perpetrated by individuals, groups, a ...

A Horse-Rider’s Journey to Islam

When I was in college, I hadn’t really heard of Islam very much although I did go to journalism ...

Fossilization and Iron Content

Iron is preserved undamaged in the body as it fossilized. Human beings need to consume an avera ...

Tawheed… The Essence of Islam

According to Islam, all religions revealed to the prophets, may Allah exalt their mention, have ...

The Perfect Equilibrium in the Universe

The billions of stars and galaxies in the universe move in perfect equilibrium in the paths set ...

Determination: A Believer’s Attribute

Determination is the most significant attribute of a believer. Believers never lose their enthu ...

Conversion Story of William Burchell Bashyr Pickard

Amid Christian surroundings I was taught the good life, and the thought of God and of worship a ...

The True Meanings of `Eid: Unity and Mercy

`Eid has many noble and valuable meanings that make everyone happy. Thus, everyone has his own ...