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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Ibn Rushd on Anatomy (Part 1/2)

Ibn Rushd was one of the greatest intellectual geniuses in human history. He was acquainted ...

Valentine’s Day: A Muslim View

You can also make others think about Valentine’s Day by using one of the occasion̵ ...

What Do You Know About Makkah?

Makkah is the Sacred City as well as the holiest and the absolutely most honorable place on ...

Design and Coincidence

The sudden origination of a complex structure in a complete form out of the blue shows that ...

Conversion Story of Mia, Ex-Christian, Norway

And I went on my phone and on that App and I started reading the Qur’an. And I was filled wi ...

Piety of Abu Dujanah, Simak ibn Kharashah

Before we end this account of that noble companion, let us look into one incident which refl ...

Chest Contraction with Increasing Height

Breathing is made possible by the oxygen in the atmosphere reaching the air sacs in our lung ...

Our Faithful Friends: Horses

Horses’ legs are specially created not only to make them carry heavy loads but also to ...

The Quran was Revealed only 1400 years ago: Why?

A non-Muslim is asking Dr. Zakir Naik an interesting question and a clever one indeed. Why d ...

False Beliefs about Allah

Distortion of the Torah and the New Testament led proliferation of false beliefs among their ...

The Meaning of Right Guidance “Al-Rashad”

What one can get from all the above Qur’anic ayahs (verses) is that the Al-Rashad (the Right ...

Virtues of Reading the Qur’an

The Book of Allah is unlike any other; it is the timeless Speech of Allah, and not a created ...

The Compass in the Eye of the Ant

Black desert ants inhabiting the Mediterranean coasts of Tunisia are among those creatures w ...

God Exists. Full Stop!

This video answers the question, do we really need anything to prove the existence of God? T ...

Conversion Story of Amber Acosta from USA

As a child, I was always sure of religion and God, but never in the way it was presented in ...

An Unmet Challenge: The Qur’an

The physical miracles performed by the prophets were time-specific, valid only for those who ...

Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi

Of great importance also was al-Khwarizmi’s contribution to medieval geography. He systemati ...

Duality in Creation

There are antimatter equivalents of all the basic particles in the universe. Antimatters pos ...

How Haneefah Bint Stefan Reverted to Islam

From this time, I remember having strong doubts about Christianity. I read the Bible but it ...

Ever felt like you are having an Iman dip? That after being a very active, productive Muslim ...