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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
Swedish National Football Team Player, Ronja Andersson: I’m Proud I Chose Islam

How did this young Swedish goalkeeper became Muslim? What difficulties have she come through ...

Thanking God for His Blessings: The Fifteenth Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

One of the universal laws of God which govern the issue of providence with all its kinds is ...

Women’s Prayer in Mosques: Allowed or Not? (Part 2)

When is it permissible for a woman to go to the mosque for prayer and attend gatherings for ...

The Real Hijab and Its Real Purpose

Why do Muslim women wear the hijab? How should it look like? Why was the hijab prescribed fo ...

Freedom from Humiliation, Neediness, and Illusion: The Fourteenth Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

The tree of humiliation stems from a seed of neediness. Nothing deceives you as your illusio ...

7 Tips to Prepare for Ramadan

to help you prepare for and during Ramadan…


Women’s Prayer in Mosques: Allowed or Not?

Does Islam allow women to attend the mosques to witness congregational prayer and assemblies ...

I Have Been Blessed to Become Muslim

I have been blessed to be one of those who have personally received the light and whose hear ...

What Islam Offers the Earth

God created man to live in harmony with other aspects of His creation not to waste or misuse ...

How to Attain Peace of Mind, Tranquility, and Contentment?

Dr. Naji Ibrahim Arfaj How can a Muslim achieve tranquility and peace in life, and where doe ...

Spend some time reflecting on the Prophet’s Night Journey and Ascension—Israa’ a ...

Social Diseases and Their Impact on the Islamic Personality

These social diseases are so dangerous that they can weaken the strong relationship between ...

Ghusl on Friday: Recommended?

Why should the Muslim perform ghusl before going to Friday Prayer? Is it obligatory or prefe ...

Keeping up with Mentioning God: The Thirteenth Stop of Your Spiritual Journey to God

We are still passing though the stage of cleaning up in our journey to God. It’s about a ser ...

Marriage: Its Status and Benefits in Qur’an and Sunnah (Part 2)

In marriage there is comfort to the soul, there is beauty to look at, there is company, and ...

Marriage: Its Status and Benefits in Qur’an and Sunnah (Part 1)

“Marriage is my recommended custom. Whoso-ever turns away from my recommended custom is turn ...

What Are the First Steps a New Muslim Should Take?

hat should a new Muslim’s first steps be right after accepting Islam? How should he de ...

My Journey to Islam: Muhammad Ali Led me to Islam

Yahya’s love for boxing and for Muhammad Ali made him name his child after the Muslim ...

What Are the Conditions and Obligatory Acts of Wudu?

Every Muslim should know that ablution has certain conditions, obligatory acts, and sunnah p ...

Social Maladies Believers Are Commanded to Evade

To found a strong sound society, the Qur’an guides Muslims to avoid social maladies. Learn a ...