Step by Step Guide to Prayer In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Pea ...
Does the prayer of the imam effect the prayer of those behind him?
...What is the conditions of wiping over hijab for women? What is the ruling of performing ablu ...
What is the ruling of putting henna when offering prayer?
...Is there any authentic supplication to say after ablution?
...What is the purpose of the Funeral Prayer?
...What are the virtues of offering Friday Prayer?
...Have you ever thought during prayer that it may be your last prayer?
...Is it permissible for Muslim woman to wipe over her headscarf during ablution?
...How could the Muslim keep the Fajr (Dawn Prayer)?
...What are the prerequisites of prayer? Is Taharah a condition for the validity of prayer?
Is a Muslim allowed to combine prayers due to his demanding job? Did the Prophet combine in ...
Do we have to recite Quran surahs in order while offering prayer? Do you have to recite a di ...
Is it okay to do Jumu`ah with the MSA despite there is a Masjid nearby? Must one go to the m ...
What is the ruling of `Eid Prayer for women? What are the etiquettes of `Eid? What is the ru ...
What are the number of rak`ahs and takbirs of the `Eid Prayer? What should be done if `Eid c ...