Can my son, who is 9 years old, lead me in prayer at home? What is the ruling of kicking out ...
Is it permissible to combine two prayers (Maghreb and `Isha’) due to time constraint? ...
Is it permissible to recite the Adhkar (remembrance of Allah) and Quran after Fard Prayer (o ...
Is it permissible to make up the sunnah of Maghrib after Isha Prayer if there is no time bet ...
What is the ruling of praying (making salah) while facing the place of answering the call of ...
What Is the Ruling on Prayer of One Who Falls Asleep in Sujud (prostration)? Watch this shor ...
Why cannot women call out loud the adhan (call to prayer) and iqamah? Watch this interesting ...
Can I pray Sunnah of Fajr after sunrise? If I woke up after the sunrise, can I make up misse ...
What is the amount of najasah (impurities) that is pardoned? Watch this short video to get t ...
Could one offer prayer without taharah (purification)? What is the ruling of making Salah fo ...
What is the ruling of praying while wearing my pajamas under the robe? Watch this video to g ...
What is the ruling of scratching one’s hands during Prayer (Salah)? What are the prohi ...
Is it permissible for a woman during her menstruation to perform Sujud At-Tilawah (Prostrati ...
Is it necessary to move from one place to another after praying the Fard Prayer for the naf ...
Is it okay to pray only the obligatory prayers? Am I a sinner if I do not offer Nafl prayers ...
Does white or colorless discharge of a woman invalidate wudu (ablution)? Watch this short vi ...
What should a woman do if she knows that her menses (Haid) ends before Fajr Prayer in Ramada ...
Is it permissible to pray (make salah) in clothes that has animals’ logo (such as tige ...
What should menstruating women do in the last ten days of Ramadan and Laylat Al-Qadr (Night ...
Can I pray Jumuah (Friday Prayer) at home with my family if there is no place at the Masjid? ...