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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
This Qur’an: The Evidence on the Day of Judgment

How’s your relationship with the Qur’an? How often do we neglect such a relationship? How se ...

Reciting the Qur’an Without Ablution

What is the ruling of reciting the Qur’an without being in a state of tahrah?


Listening to Qur’an While Doing Other Activities

What is the rule of listening to the Qur’an just for barakah (blessing)?


Ruling of Sajdahs in the Qur’an

Is it permissible to prostrate for sajdahs in the Qur’an after finishing the recitation?


Sciences of the Qur’an: History

What are the most remarkable books written in the field of sciences of the Qur’an? What do y ...

Sciences of the Qur’an: How Was the Qur’an Revealed?

What is meant by Al-Lawh Al-Mahfuzh? How was the Qur’an preserved? What are the states of re ...

The Qur’an at Fajr

How is the Qur’an of Fajr witnessed and by whom? What impact could it have on our lives and ...

Ponder Over the Qur’an

How could you explore the benefits and blessings of the Qur’an?


Is the Qur’an Vague?

Is the Qur’an unclear? How could you understand it properly?


Qur’an Maxims: Behaving Decently towards People

Why should we treat others kindly? What is the effect of that? What is the status of good mo ...

The Qur’an: Written Document or Revealed?

What is the proof that the Qur’an is a revealed book and not written?


Qur’an Maxims: Kindness to Wives

What is meant by being kind to one’s wife? What is required from a husband to achieve ...

Qur’an Maxims: Relying on Allah

What are the fruits of relying on Allah? What do you know about the Prophet Ayyub (Job)?

Correct Your Recitation (58)

Here and particularly from the 34th verse of Surat An-Nazi`at (the seventy ninth chapter of ...

How to Learn the Qur’an

How could I understand the Qur’an? What are the practical ways to get familiar with its cont ...

Qur’an Maxims: Don’t Cheat People

What do you know about the story of the Prophet Shu`aib?


古兰经: Recitation of Surat 开端 – Al-Fatihah

古兰经: Watch and listen to a recitation of the Qur’an by Sheikh Sa`ad al-Ghamidi accompa ...

古兰经: Recitation of Surat 黄牛 – Al-Baqarah

古兰经: Watch and listen to a recitation of the Qur’an by Sheikh Sa`ad al-Ghamidi accompa ...

Rulings on Reciting the Qur’an (3/5)

When is it allowed for a Muslim to touch the Qur’an? What is the difference between major an ...

Rulings on Reciting the Qur’an (2/5)

Is it allowed for women to recite the Qur’an during their menses? Are they allowed to touch ...