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Islam and Its Relation to Christianity Throughout History

Peaceful Treatment From the starting point, Islam proved its reality as the religion of all ...

Real Salvation or Redemption, How?

Read such a valuable article on Real Salvation or Redemption. Save yourself. Enjoy the real ...

Sinead O’Connor Reverts to Islam

Irish Singer/Songwriter Sinead O’Connor, “Shuhada’ Davitt”, reverts ...

Dictionary of the Most Important New Testament Quotations from the Old Testament

We do not find between the Old Testament and the New Testament such complete identicalness a ...

Hajj (Pilgrimage) between Symbolic Worship and Responsiveness to Abraham’s Call to Monotheism

Hajj is an act of worship involving much more symbolism than the other acts of worship in Is ...

An Introduction to Hajj

Hajj was not innovated by Islam. It was rather initiated by Prophet Abraham. Hajj is obligat ...

A Brief Guide to Hajj (Pilgrimage)

Hajj (pilgrimage) includes Ihram, Talbiyah, Tawaf, Sa`i, spending night at Mina, standing at ...

Comparison between Bible and Torah, Injeel and Zabur

Muslims believe in all Holy Scriptures, mainly Torah, Injeel, and Zabur, beside Qur’an. But, ...

Dictionary of Most Important Contradictions in Bible

Bible contradictions are uncountable. Therefore, we content ourselves with the most importan ...

Dictionary of Woman’s Most Important Affairs in the Bible and the Qur’an

Let’s have a look at the woman’s most important affairs in the Bible and the Qur’an to know ...

Coexistence between Muslims and Non-Muslims in Light of Qur’an and Sunnah (1/2)

Coexistence between Muslims and Non-Muslims inside the Muslim world involves several forms o ...

Coexistence between Muslims and Non-Muslims in Light of Qur’an and Sunnah (2/2)

Coexistence between Muslims and Non-Muslims outside the Muslim world involves several forms ...

The Holy Trinity between the Sacred Texts and the Nicene Creed

Watch this video to know more about the true origins of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity bet ...

Dictionary of Long Duplication & Identity within the Chapters of Bible and Qur’an

The Bible abounds in almost identical chapters involving duplication in details with, someti ...

The Ultimate Truth about God

Frequent questions are asked by people everywhere and every time: is there God? Does God exi ...

Is God: Jesus, Jesus and Mary, the third of three or the Clergy in Christianity according to the Qur’an?

Some Christians believe that Jesus is God, others that he is the son of God, others take him ...

Trinity between Paganism and Christianity

The contemporary Christianity is nearer to the polytheistic paganism and farther from the mo ...

Role of Early Popes and First Council of Nicaea in the Establishment of Contemporary Christianity

Christianity is just a fabric mostly woven by the early popes before and during the First Co ...

Christianity between Pure Spirituality and Worldly Desire

Christianity between pure spirituality and worldly desire: discover the dark history and maj ...

Bowing down and Prostration between Christianity and Islam

In Christianity, bowing down and prostration may be made for God and others. In Islam, bowin ...