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Zakah (Obligatory Charity) in Islam

Zakah is one of the five pillars of Islam. Zakah is mentioned together with Salah in eighty ...

Purification in Islam and Hinduism (1/4)

In this article, the system of purification in Islam and Hinduism has been studied and compa ...

Do Muslims Worship the Kabah?

The worship in Islam is not directed to Ka`bah itself; rather it is directed to the Lord of ...

Devadasi Tradition in Hinduism

The concepts of Indian people towards women, their purity, and impurity, the status of Hindu ...

The Triple Instant Talaq (Divorce) in Islam

In fact, the ancient Hindu literature does not have the concept of divorce as well as the Sa ...

A Sikh Scholar Talks About Islam

How great your prophet is! And how lofty his career is! Why have you failed in conveying his ...

How Indian Poet, Tulsidas, Views Mukti (Salvation)?

No one on this globe will get the salvation unless he believes in the revealed scripture tha ...

History of the Qur’an and Vedas

The Qur’an is distinct that it was recorded and writhen down whilst Vedas were only transmit ...

A Brahmin Brother Finds His Goal in Islam

Allah is One, none is similar to Him nor equal to Him. He does not need anyone and entire cr ...

Who built the Lal Qila: A Hindu or a Muslim?

By Editorial Staff In this video, a Hindu speaker talks about the contribution of Muslims in ...

Compulsion in religion is not acceptable in Islam. And this is not the sayings of scholars a ...

A Hindu Political Leader at the Doorstep of Islam

It is worth mentioning that there are horrible violence and injustice on the lower castes of ...

A Hindu Boy Performs Muslim Prayer

This video presents a Hindu child who is blind and performs the daily Muslim prayer (Namaz) ...

Fasting is to abstain from eating, drinking and intercourse from dawn until sunset with the int ...

Islamic historical and cultural sources say that the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) was sent ...

How a Hindu Sister Found Her Way to God

She says that even before her conversion to Islam, she believed in One God in herself. ...

A Hindu Loves the Fasting of Ramadan

Naidu also enjoys the vibrant life of Ramadan nights when Muslims perform Traweeh prayer and th ...

A Hindu Brother Became Sa`ad

Human beings are beaten and trampled mercilessly on the ground by some Hindus who have been bra ...

Adam and Eve in Hinduism

Adam and (Eve) Hawwa the first male and female were created specially by Allah the Almighty fro ...

The Temple of Ram in Hindu Scriptures

God does not have any mother or father, no children or any wife. He is Alone, and One. How will ...