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How to Add a Floating Social Media Share Bar in WordPress

Step by step guide on how to add a floating horizontal social share bar in WordPress by usin ...

Explore Your Journey Back to Learning

Are you one of those people whose learning is restricted to classroom? Do you want to redisc ...

Islam and Freedom of Belief

Does Islam protect religious freedoms? If yes, why did the Prophet fight non-Muslims? How ar ...

Abdul Rahman Al-Sumait: The Legend philanthropist

Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Sumait is the proof that once there were true giants on earth in our ...

Five Smart Apps to Manage Your Studies

How do you manage your study material, daily assignments and challenging examinations? How d ...

Who’s to Blame: Islam or Muslims?

If Islam is the best religion, why then are there many bad Muslims? If not their belief, who ...

Islam: Practice What You Preach

How are we related to Islam and its true teachings? How can we create harmony between what o ...

Da`wah: Does it Achieve Its Objectives?

Have you ever been engaged in discussions about Islam with a sea of misconceptions here and ...

Behind Atonement and Salvation

Where did the Christian concepts of atonement and salvation come from? What does it tell abo ...

Islam in Women not Women in Islam

In spite of the great propaganda about the status of women in Islam, the rate of women embra ...

Women and Inheritance

Why under Islamic law does the male inherit twice as much as the female? How would you respo ...

The Age of `A’ishah

At what age was `A’ishah when she married the Prophet? Isn’t the commonly known belief that ...

Da`wah: Repelling Evil with Good

To believe in the Oneness of God, be on His path, act on His orders and invite people to Him ...

Salvation in Judaism, Christianity and Islam

The E-Da`wah Committee, owned by Al-Najat Charity Society in Kuwait, presents this short vid ...

How to Change Font in WordPress

In this tutorial you are going to learn how to change font in WordPress which can be done th ...

To Master Any Skill Deconstruct It

Here Ferriss reveals some of his secrets to rapid success, how to master any skill whatsoeve ...

How to Record a Voice-Over In Adobe CS6

Want to learn how to record a voice-over in adobe audition CS6 in the waveform view as well ...

Design Your Business Card in InDesign

Designing your own business card is easy and fun using InDesign. Learn how


Successful People Remove Their Roadblocks

Most people give up before they even make the first try. And the reason they give up is beca ...

Best Site to Backup Your Files Online

Learn how to Backup Your Files Online. Create an online free account and upload the files th ...