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أكاديمية سبيلي Sabeeli Academy
What are the Pillars of Prayer (Salah)?

What are the Pillars of Prayer (Salah)?

What are the pillars of prayer without which the prayer is invalid? Watch this short talk to ...

What is the Ruling of Offering Tahiyyat Al-Masjid?

What is the Ruling of Offering Tahiyyat Al-Masjid?

What is the Ruling of Offering Greeting the Masjid Prayer? Watch this short talk to get the ...

Women Congregation at Home, Same Reward as Mosque Congregation?

Women Congregation at Home, Same Reward as Mosque Congregation?

Do Women Praying at Home get Same Reward as Praying in Congregation? Watch this short video ...

Rights of the Poor and Needy in Islam

Rights of the Poor and Needy in Islam

What rights do the poor and needy have in Islam? Why are we, Muslims, entitled to pay prescr ...

Can We Offer Prayer in the Hotel Room?

Can We Offer Prayer in the Hotel Room?

Can we pray (make Salah) at the hotel room? What if the rug or the floor is not pure? Watch ...

The Ruling of Reciting Al-Fatihah in a Congregational Loud Prayer?

The Ruling of Reciting Al-Fatihah in a Congregational Loud Prayer?

What Is the Ruling of Reciting Al-Fatihah behind the Imam in a Loud Prayer? Watch this short ...

Is There a Difference Between Male and Female in Prayer?

Is There a Difference Between Male and Female in Prayer?

Is there a difference Between Male and Female in Prayer? What about the Hanafi School of Fiq ...

The Ruling on Missing Out the Sujud of Recitation with the Imam?

The Ruling on Missing Out the Sujud of Recitation with the Imam?

What Is the Ruling of Making Ruku While the Imam Made Sujud of Recitation? Watch this short ...

What Is the Ruling of Praying on Bed?

What Is the Ruling of Praying on Bed?

What is the ruling of praying on bed if there is no place in the room? Watch this short vide ...

The Characteristics of the Water Used in Taharah

The Characteristics of the Water Used in Taharah

What is the ruling if a rat falls into a well? Is this water pure or not? Can I use it for p ...

How to Offer the Funeral Prayer

How to Offer the Funeral Prayer

The prayer to God for the deceased Muslim is a common collective duty, what does this mean? ...

Is Shaking Hands or Saying “Harama” is an Act of Prayer?

Is Shaking Hands or Saying “Harama” is an Act of Prayer?

What is the ruling of shaking hands, saying “harama” or “taqabbal Allah ...

Offering Prayer Shortly before It’s Time Is Gone: Permissible?

Offering Prayer Shortly before It’s Time Is Gone: Permissible?

What is the ruling of praying at the end of the time because of a valid excuse? Watch this s ...

Women Praying behind Men in Masjid without Partitions, Allowable?

Women Praying behind Men in Masjid without Partitions, Allowable?

Is it permissible for women to pray behind men in the same hall of the Majid without partiti ...

Can I pray Tahhajjud Soon after the Isha’ Prayer?

Can I pray Tahhajjud Soon after the Isha’ Prayer?

What is the time for tahajjud prayer? How can one get up for Fajr Prayer (Dawn)? Watch this ...

Worldly Life: Meaning & Purpose

Worldly Life: Meaning & Purpose

Why do we eat? Why do we sleep? Why do we work? The answers we would get to these questions ...

The Prophet’s Guidance for New Muslim Youth

The Prophet’s Guidance for New Muslim Youth

The challenge is far from easy, but the change worth it. For a smoother transition in your l ...

What Is the Minimum for the Witr Prayer?

What Is the Minimum for the Witr Prayer?

How could you prayer the Witr prayer? What is the minimum number for the Witr Prayer? Watch ...

What Are the Conditions of Wiping over Socks?

What Are the Conditions of Wiping over Socks?

What are the conditions of wiping over socks (Masah ala Khuffain)? Watch this short video to ...

Is Sujud the Best Time for Making Du`aa?

Is Sujud the Best Time for Making Du`aa?

Is it permissible to make duaa (supplication) during sujud? Can I make it in my own language ...