What is the ruling of scratching one’s hands during Prayer (Salah)? What are the prohi ...
Is it permissible for a woman during her menstruation to perform Sujud At-Tilawah (Prostrati ...
Is marriage an easy process in Islam? Why are parents making difficult conditions for marria ...
Is it necessary to move from one place to another after praying the Fard Prayer for the naf ...
Linguistically, Sunnah means a way or method that can have two states, either good or bad. I ...
Is it okay to pray only the obligatory prayers? Am I a sinner if I do not offer Nafl prayers ...
Does white or colorless discharge of a woman invalidate wudu (ablution)? Watch this short vi ...
What should a woman do if she knows that her menses (Haid) ends before Fajr Prayer in Ramada ...
Is it permissible to pray (make salah) in clothes that has animals’ logo (such as tige ...
we would like to present a beautiful du`a’ of Sh. Muhammad Jebril of Cairo, Egypt R ...
What should menstruating women do in the last ten days of Ramadan and Laylat Al-Qadr (Night ...
Discussing the objectives of our actions is an important thing because to do so is to discus ...
Why do Muslims fast during Ramadan? What are the spiritual goals of fasting? Why do Muslims ...
Can I pray Jumuah (Friday Prayer) at home with my family if there is no place at the Masjid? ...
Do we have to recite the adhkar again after finishing the sunnah prayer? Watch this short ta ...
Does a woman have to perform ghusl if she visits a gynecologist? What are the cases that nec ...
Is there a prescribed sunnah before the Jumuah Prayer? Is there a prescribed sunnah between ...
What Is the Ruling of Purification for One who Suffers from Hemorrhoids? Watch this short ta ...
What is the ideal time for the Duha Prayer? What is the ruling of making up the missed Duha ...
How many rakahs are there in taraweeh Prayer? How much Quran should one recite while praying ...