How Is the `Eid Prayer Performed?

Name of Questioner: Jack

Date: 5-7-2016 12:41:09 PM

Consultant: Ask About Islam Editorial Staff


What is the `Eid Prayer? How is it offered? How many units and takbirs does it have? rnThanks rn

Dear questioner, thank you very much for your important question.

The `Eid prayer is to be held outdoors in a large open ground. In inclement weather, or due to a lack of adequate arrangements, `Eid prayer is sometimes performed in the mosques. Muslims can be seen walking and driving to the praying area, carrying prayer rugs and glorifying God. His or her words ringing out: “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La Ilaha Illa Allah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa lillahi El-Hamd” (God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest, there is none worthy of worship but God; God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest, Praise be to Him.)

As Muslim families begin to congregate at the prayer place, the praising of God is joined with words of congratulations. Children dart about in anticipation of gifts and feasts, older people reflect on the success of Ramadan and the Magnificence of God.

A quiet hush then spreads across the crowd as the `Eid prayer begins. It differs slightly from the normal prayers, and although it is not obligatory, it is highly recommended that Muslims attend.

Muslims stand shoulder to shoulder and give thanks to God not only for the joy of Ramadan, but also for the countless blessings He bestows upon us every day.

Performance of `Eid Prayers

1- As on Friday, every worshipper should go to the `Eid Congregation in his best, neat, tidy and high-spirited. In the mosque or the place of assembly a certain verbal prayer is said before the actual prayer begins. This is known as takbir.

2- The time of the `Eid prayers is any time after sunrise and before noon. No adhan or iqamah is required. The prayer consists of two units with the Imam reciting in each the Al-Fatihah (the 1st  chapter of the Qur’an) and another passage from the Qur’an audibly.

3- The Imam declares his intention to lead the prayer saying Allahu Akbar (God is the Greatest of all), then he repeats the same utterance seven times, raising his hands up to the ears and dropping them by his sides at the end of each utterance.

On completion of the seventh takbir (utterance) he places the right hand over the left one under the navel as in other prayers. The worshippers follow the Imam in these movements step by step, doing and saying exactly the same.

4- At the end of the first unit, the Imam rises up for the second, saying Allahu Akbar. Then he adds five such utterances doing the same thing as he did in the first unit, and followed by the congregation in a like manner

5- After the prayer is completed in two units, the Imam delivers a sermon of two parts with a short recess in between. The first part is begun by saying Allahu Akbar, nine times and the second by making same utterance seven times. The rest of the sermon goes along the lines of exhortation and advice like those of the Friday sermon

6- We must draw the attention to the matter of sadaqat Al-Fitr (the charity of breaking the fast). This is an obligatory charity, whereby every individual Muslim who can afford it must give at least one full meal, or its value, to the poor.

If he has any dependents, he must do the same thing for each one of his dependents. For example, if he provides for himself and three dependents, he has to distribute as a minimum four full meals or their value to the needy.

This charity should be distributed early enough before the `Eid Al-Fitr prayer so that the poor may be able to receive the Day in a festive and cheerful spirit

  1. In the sermon of the `Eid Al-Adha, the Imam should draw the attention to the duty of Sacrifice. On the day of `Eid Al-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice) every Muslim with means is to offer an oblation. A goat or sheep suffices for one household. A cow or steer suffices for seven different households. It is preferable to slaughter the animal of Sacrifice on the `Eid day after prayers. But if it is slaughtered on the second or the third day, it will be accepted. With regard to the meats of the slaughtered animals the Qur’an stipulates these instructions:

 “Eat of them and feed the poor man who is contented and the beggar…” (Al-Hajj 22:63)

In the same reference, the Qur’an declares that God is neither interested in nor does He get the meats of the oblations or their blood; but it is the piety of His worshippers that He gets and is interested in

It should be repeated that the `Eid prayers do not substitute for the Fajr (obligatory early morning) Prayers, and cannot themselves be substituted for by any other prayers

The Takbir, which is said before the prayers of both `Eids and after the ordinary congregations prayers offered during the three days following the second `Eid, is called Takbir At-Tashriq. It goes as follow:

Allahu Akbar, (thrice)

La illaha illa Allah

Allahu Akbaru (twice) wa lil-Lahi-l-hamd.

This Takbir means:

God is the Greatest, (three times)

There is no god but the One God.

God is the Greatest, (twice), and praise be to Him



Islam in Focus by Hammudah Abd Al-Ati