Islam states that a human being comes into this world only once, and after he dies, he is again resurrected on the day of judgement. Depending on his deeds he will either dwell in heaven or he will dwell in hell.
Most animals do not have sex only for sex; rather, they have sex in the natural seasons for reproduction.
The Sanskrit word namah refers to worship, to praise or to devote. Thus, namaz is a modified form according to linguistic requirements and nature.
Originally posted 2020-07-09 19:24:06. By Editorial Staff Permissible Sex: Worthy of Reward in Islam This issue has been elucidated by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when he said: “And in man’s sexual intercourse (with his wife) there is a Sadaqah (or a reward equal to a charity given to poor).” They (the Companions) asked: […]
This article (Funeral in Islam and Hinduism) compares the tradition of disposal of dead bodies in different civilizations and religions… Read more
The earth has a natural quality to absorb the elements of moisture, mold and stinking of the dead body turning them into the soil.
Who is God? Is God One or more? Why should we believe in God? Why Ling Puja? Is idol worship logical? Why does one of us worship the rivers, stones and fire? Why do we worship the creation instead of the Creator?
I receive threats from some Hindus, there were attempts to murder me, it was in Maharashtra, and the attempt was made in the morning and in the evening.
Why did Dasaratha, the father of Rama, have four wives? What is the justification for his multiple marriages according to the Hindu philosophy?
Do Hindus believe in angels? What is the reality of Deva and Devta? Click here to know more about angles in Hinduism.
He was born into a Hindu family and was raised as a practicing, fervent, devoted Hindu.
Although fasting is beneficial to our health, it is regarded principally as a method of self-purification, by cutting oneself off from worldly pleasures and comforts.
Zakah is one of the five pillars of Islam. Zakah is mentioned together with Salah in eighty two verses of the Glorious Qur’an.
The Prophet Muhammad said: “If a single person were to sleep hungry in a town, then Allah’s protection is lifted from such a town.”
Naidu also enjoys the vibrant life of Ramadan nights when Muslims perform Traweeh prayer and the Glorious Qur’an is recited in the mosques.
Fasting promotes the spirit of human equality before Allah. All able Muslims, male and female, rich and poor, from all ethnic and national backgrounds go through the same experience of fasting.
Hindu religion is devoid of texts that can determine if the sexual intercourse during fasting is invalid or valid.
The fasting person gains true sympathy for those who go hungry regularly, and achieves growth in his spiritual life, learning discipline, self-restraint, patience and flexibility.
The word Sawm (fasting) in Arabic language literally means to abstain, and in Islamic terminology, Sawm means to abstain from eating, drinking and sexual intercourse with the intention of worship from dawn until the sunset.
Fasting cherishes piety, righteousness and consciousness of Allah. It teaches patience, and with patience one can rise to the high position of piousness.